I will simply need to assume at this point that you are a troll, as I’ve responded quite succinctly to every rambling word you put out there.
I will simply need to assume at this point that you are a troll, as I’ve responded quite succinctly to every rambling word you put out there.
So let me get this straight.
Guy just looks like a total asshole. A coin flip has nothing to do with black history month, or race in general.
Agreed. I’ve worn my giants jersey to stadiums all over the country including Dallas and Washington, into Pittsburgh, into the Raiders...
No. For that price they need to compete with the Civic type R which many dealerships are marking up to damn near 50k.
Killed by the police no less. Ugh.
Which is great news for y’all - I’m by no means saying that all philly fans are fuckheads, though that’s probably how it came across. I’m saying that enough are that it makes it tough to see past it.
Eh...I went to a lot of games at Fenway back in the day with friends of all races, colors etc and never really had a problem. Nothing diffuses a drunk angry south boston dude like saying “Yeah man, you could own me, let me buy you a beer” if he’s really getting aggressive.
They’re pretty bad, I won’t argue - but at least it’s limited to their football crowd. Baseball is south boston tough, but you’re ok if you don’t go looking for trouble. Bruins fans...well....I am not sure if there’s any of those actually.
Indeed - and as a result couldn’t bring myself to cheer for Philly, but sure as hell couldn’t cheer for the Pats either. Honestly...I think the Pats are the only team in the country that could make me NOT route against philly...and the same could be true of the reverse.
Wow...as a lifelong philly hater...it hurts so much that you idiots decided to trash your own city because you actually won.
Like Philly and their fanbase are any better. Loudest, bitchiest, most obnoxious fanbase in the country...playing against ANY other team, and they’d be booed like mad.
While I don’t disagree with you, I bring them into it because they’re pretty much on the long, slow road out of business as well. At this point they could both shutter their doors and very few would miss them (evo owners being the possible exception)
Honestly, you’re in the fucking superbowl, if this was some kind of stupid disciplinary act (Despite what BB said) it’s fucking stupid.
All of this is much to the surprise of fucking nobody at all. Imagine if they had LOST the game.
Gotta bring em in to get inspiration for the soon-to-be-released evolution SUV. SMH.
Honestly, they had one car I’d ever have considered, and now they’re promising to turn the same name into a crappy SUV type vehicle...in, like, 5 years.
I dont disagree with you, though admittedly the new harley tourers come with a decent number of bells and whistles. It all depends on what you want: I would never ride a ducati, just not my style...so if I’m going to blow cash on a bike it’d be more likely to be a tourer of some variety.
See, I’m ok with them having high end “car price” type bikes, I really am. Honda, Yamaha, and Kawasaki (Victory did as well, and I wont bother mentioning suzuki since their tourers are just cruisers with bags added) all have entrants that can easily get into the 20-30k range once you deck them out...and one day when I…
I said very similar things in a previous article about this and got absolutely ripped into by all the brady bitches who believe the golden boy can do no wrong.