
Dude, weed is becoming legal in more and more places. Defining it as a “Drug” is even a stretch at this point. If it’s killed her motivation and she’s turned into a lazy ass stoner who skips work and just wants to sit around, smoke, and eat pizza, then you have a fair complaint - but you ain’t gonna change her (I am

Shame...but not surprising. They needed to make lineup room for another 7 variants of the fucking sportster.

I’m with ya - I’m a kawasaki/honda guy from way back, and have now flung my vote in firmly with honda on a CTX1300. I rented a sportster, and I rented a vrod, and while I wouldn’t mind a vrod for a “fun second” bike, I certainly wouldn’t be road tripping on it, and you couldn’t pay me to take a sportster.

Totally, I more meant not a cruiser. I’m not sure what I’d call it but on the occasions I’ve rented one, there was certainly no mistaking it for a honda shadow LOL

Totally...I’m just not sure it’s going to do any good at this point. I mean...they’re putting out an electric bike that, at least in prototype form, looks like a ducati. If I like that look, hate to say it, but I aint going to a harley dealership: I’m gonna go buy a ducati.

No chance it saves the brand man. Not when they price it the way harley prices things, and not with the way they’ve always marketed themselves. Fucking “hardcore harley” type guys won’t even ride a vrod, they’re sure as hell not gonna get on something that looks like a chopped down ducati.

I wouldn’t exactly call a vrod a cruiser with forward controls, but your point is fair. They offer big cruisers, big tourers, the vrod (which harley lovers fucking hate) and all at a ridiculous premium cost.

I dug the look of the livewire, but harley purists will fucking hate it. Hell, you can’t even get most of them to accept the vrod because it’s, and I quote the hardest of harley guys, “not a harley” (put a fat boy and a vrod next to each other, I’m hopping on the vrod every time myself).

My dad had thyroid cancer and we were told the same. It was certainly not what eventually killed him, and he lived a solid 15 years after it was beaten. I actually wasn’t aware that one COULD die from thyroid cancer if diagnosed and treated. IN my dad’s case they removed the thyroid, did radiation, and he was off and

The kind that teaches his kid that words are just words. You want to get all bent out of shape every time someone uses mean words at you, you go right ahead - but it doesn’t make you a better parent, it makes you a guy who goes to jail after a road rage incident or something similar.

What do you think would have gotten more people to both watch the documentary and listen to the radio show: commenting on it, or ignoring it.

The standard for jocks saying asshole things for ratings is absolutely Stern.

So to be clear it’s all well and good to insult someone or their family, as long as we don’t like the person or person’s family who is being insulted. Got it.

Except he wouldn’t get terminated for badmouthing your kid, nor would he because you are irrelevant, as is your child, to this conversation. If someone went on the radio and said “AngryRasslinGuy’s daughter is a piece of shit”, and you called to complain, the response would be laughter and a hang up. (To be clear, I

This is nothing new. Sports teams have been pulling this shit off for YEARS, getting cities to pay for fancy new stadiums AND give breaks with the promise of all the jobs and revenue it will bring.

Theres a difference between defending your kid (ala ‘thats pretty harsh, man, how would you like it if I said that about YOUR kid?’) and saying “I’m not coming on your radio station anymore”...because yes, it’s pretty freakin obvious what the results of that action would be, you know?

You can point out whatever you’d like - however it’s inaccurate.

Again, you’re asking the American public to NOT behave like assholes when the American public has proven themselves SYSTEMATICALLY incapable of doing so.

Name calling is very effective. Since we’re going for high school nonsense I will just end the conversation thus: “Your mom”

Actually it would since nobody in the fucking world has any idea, or gives a shit, who I am, or who my son is.