
I hate Brady. Tremendously. Virtually everything about him makes me want to destroy things.

ACknowledged as many folks have said that.

Then don’t put your child on tv. You chose to be a professional athlete in the public spotlight. You then chose FOR YOUR CHILD to be on TV in front of the public, many of whom are assholes.

That’s hilarious. You’re an asshole for saying it. It also has, literally, nothing in common with a guy putting his daughter on TV and then getting bent out of shape because someone said she was behaving like a pissant. For fucks’ sake, it’s not even a good insult.

Like I said, didn’t watch a single second of it or even listen to the sound clip.

Then you need to be filed in the “incredibly oversensitive” folder.

Except that’s not what was said, was it?

I’ve been on this planet long enough to know that people are assholes, radio DJs being worse than most.

AHhhhh that’s a whole different story then. That’s some cowardly BS.

Honestly, I didn’t listen to the clip...if you’re telling me that it was said with horrible angry intent, then I’ll concur.

That right there is the crux of the issue. If this were a NY radio station that asked even a NY player about it, there’d be no fuss, no muss.

By a radio DJ who’s looking for listeners. His bread and butter is being obnoxious.

I’m sure as fuck not watching the documentary to find out but, the important question: WAS Brady’s daughter “being an annoying little pissant”? 

Been using and swearing by knoppix for years...think I originally ran it on CD, but may have even had it on floppy. Has saved several people’s data on many occasions (has also led to total frustration when able to VIEW the data but not DO anything with it on other occasion).

Great - so we’re going to teach our kids not to show interest in other people’s goings on. Great fucking tip.

I dunno - as mentioned in the article and confirmed...shit I think I was on a WRX forum...there are people who collect geo metros. I’m sure this monstrosity will appeal to a collector who’s thing is “weird cars”.

Edgar not getting in is a crime. Mussina should go in at some point too. Martinez and McGriff both about to fall off the ballot no less...

Judge Aquilina is my new fucking hero. Seriously. Between her chucking away the letter he wrote complaining about having to listen to his victims, and the manner in which she handed down the sentencing... car is only two years old and the number of scratches and rock chips is insane. The dents were covered under comprehensive, but I don’t think the rock chips would be, so I’m going to attempt to do it myself...I already have all the detailing tools, so, figure I can’t really make them any worse...

Enjoy and you’re very welcome!