
Well i’m a wrx owner (2nd timer) without any story of that nature. Drove an 03 wrx wagon that was my fucking baby. Got totaled by being sideswiped on the highway and landing on its lid. 3 year old in the back seat. Both of us got out without a scratch. It had around 70k miles at the time and the only thing I’d had to

Not with a car, but a motorcycle. Had a 2000 Kawasaki vulcan 1500 that was my pride and joy. It was also aging and spending more time in the shop or with me googling how to fix shit than it was being ridden.

No trouble at all - you can really use any liquid you want, but I’d make a big batch of the sauce and let that be your liquid. Works great.

Really really easy to do as well - just takes time to do it right, though I’ve done it in a slow cooker which is, ironically, faster than doing a whole pork shoulder in an oven....

I have a spare 1070 if anybody is desperate to drop a lot of money on one ;)

Truly only one team in the world that could make me cheer for the patriots.

They figured the old guys segment would be a great lead in to the rumble since they’re going to have, you know, random old guys show up. Remember Tatanka showing up a couple years ago? Yeah, shit like that is going to go down again.


Thank you for that eloquent and well thought out response.

Are you really comparing “making fun of art” to “beating a guy into a coma”?

Oof. That’s brutal.

I almost feel like you don’t know how to read. It’s truly impressive.

Oh cmon now. You can’t throw cleveland into this conversation.

If I want fine dining, it’s probably not late at night just before going to the haunted prison around halloween. That’s when I hit town for cheesesteaks.

Evidently reading is hard for you.

Heartbreaker is worse. At least in a blow out you KNOW you’ve been outclassed. When the Giants lost to the Ravens in the superbowl, at no point did I think they were in the game.

Giants who, while they’ve had incidents, certainly don’t have the aura of asshole that hangs over all the philly stadiums.

I have never, anywhere, in my life seen people relentlessly harass a fucking five year old.

Absolutely - I’ve worn my giants jersey all over the country, including dallas, including washington...

I hate to break it to you but there’s a big difference between individual instances and the general variety of asshole that attends football or hockey or baseball games in Philly.