
Is the STI really all that much less reliable than the wrx? I have the latter and at 45k miles literally the only thing I’ve done is routine maintenance and some body work because, admittedly, sub’s paint blows goats. I’m due for tires and brakes, but that’s about it...and while I haven’t gone all out, I’ve got full

So that’s two anti subie comments so far - lemme guess: evo driver?

Dude, it would be more like “Here, play Mario Odyssey for 50 hours as a koopa to unlock Mario”

Dude, even if you actually believe this, I assure you - this aint the place to bring it up.

As a long time Giants fan...yes, it’s time to rebuild. I’d like to see Eli kept for one more year to give whatever they pick up a chance to develop but, beyond that, I see issues way deeper than their QB.

Do you guys not read/talk to the other gawk sites?

fiddy bucks says that 2020/2021 will see a hatch, and a slightly bigger, bitier, FA for the sti. Despite people kvetching about it, the FA is a damn fine motor, made even finer and still safe with a full set of bolt ons on a decent tune.

It’ll be back, probably with a 2.5 variant of the FA currently in the WRX, and in hatchie form, probably around which point it’ll be everywhere.

So Cole Trickle wasn’t much of a reach for him, then?

What a jackass.

You can’t blame him. He’s a method actor and was doing research for his role in American Beauty.

Much to the surprise of absolutely nobody. The Wii U sold historically badly.

Perhaps, but lets think about it. You are a dude who’s claim to fame is a movie about driving cars fast. It’s well known that, in real life, you like driving cars fast. You’re getting into a notoriously fast car with a guy behind the wheel who drives cars fast for a living.

Yeah, I do - it’s early and coffee hasn’t gone in. I updated my comment to clarify.

Look, I know it’s an unpopular thing to say, but Paul Walker is dead because of Paul Walker’s passion for driving/riding fast. I know, I know, he means SO much to everybody because....of the fast and the furious films I guess?

I think the point he’s trying to make is that he doesn’t believe the folks who were groped would have come forward now, years later, to friends and family even, had the perp in question been “just a grandpa” as opposed to “just a grandpa who is also a former president”.

Seriously, we’ve all done it. - and lets be honest, beyond that - married couples do achieve a certain level of comfort. After years of sharing a bed, it’s not hard to tell when my wife is in the mood, or not in the mood, or so trashed that she doesn’t know WHAT she wants. So even without having a specific

That’s because where women grope in a joking, public manner, men tend to grope in a private “serious” manner.

Oh I totally agree with you - I’m against the way our prison system works altogether. I also recognize that I’m not smart enough to come up with the correct answer, which is why I asked the question.

Out of curiosity, what WOULD you propose as appropriate punishment? I’m not in favor of extended jail sentences per se...but...well, it’s kinda what we have, you know?