Actually we don’t agree at all.
Actually we don’t agree at all.
His point is that molesting someone is ok, as long as he has a good excuse for it, basically.
Because some men in that age bracket were raised with morals and were taught right from wrong, and WEREN’T taught to write off being molesting assholes as “a result of alcohol”?
Hence why you’re not supposed to sleep with people, you know, WHEN YOU’RE TOO FUCKED UP TO BE MAKING DECISIONS.
Yeah you’ll be happy then. Absolutely.
So when you’re drunk you automatically lose control of yourself and start trying to grope people who do not wish to be groped, or at least, can’t make that decision with a clear mind?
YES ITS STILL FUCKING ASSAULT, or at least has the opportunity to BE assault. Holy fucking shit man, yes it is still that fucking simple.
If she is drunk to the point where she wouldn’t drive or make important life decisions, then yes, the proper move is to say good night, and fuck when she’s capable of making the decision for herself.
Let me guess, you’re a big believer in “all lives matter” too, right?
You really are a dumb ass. Truly. Completely and totally.
Actually I’m saying that my wife and I had a conversation about “hey wanna fuck tonight, regardless of how fucked up we are?” - it’s not fool proof, but it’s pretty damn clear what we both have in mind.
I have the 8+. It’s fine. It’s nothing exceptional if you had a 7/7 plus. It’s the usual “incremental upgrade”. Glass back may be nice, but I don’t notice since I have a case on etc. Wireless charging is alright, but nothing worth buying a new phone for really....
So because she got drunk and hung out with dudes it’s ok for them to do what they did?
Dude, are you seriously doing your best to argue the point with the dumbest available argument?
Um....listen I don’t want to call you out here, but I’m going to. trying to “put the salami into someone’s whowha” is not the point, though the use of that particular expression may indeed contribute to the problem. Trying to have sex with a woman is an obvious one. You try to have sex with a woman who says…
It’s funny (not in a ha ha sense, obviously) but this is exactly what has been going through my mind since the whole “metoo” hashtag campaign. I’ve thought back on all of the times I’ve been intimate with people, sometimes while intoxicated, sometimes not. I’ve thought back on all the times I’ve had someone of the…
To the judgemental self-righteous with all the “once a cheater always a cheater” attitude, try to remember: An affair is very rarely the problem with a relationship. It’s more likely a symptom of a bigger issue.
I’m actually kinda glad to see this. My local Wegmans has had a seasonal aisle full of Xmas shit since the last week of September.
I have to say, I don’t give a fuck if it’s true or not. The line “fucked up Casper role play” just made me snarf an entire mouthful of turkey sandwich in the middle of a meeting.
Irvington is awful - and honestly it’s the developers fault. You crank rents that fast that high, people need someplace to go.