
I’d be curious to know: what’s the average timespan that someone awaiting the death penalty is going to be living off tax payer money? I mean, I know there’s not going to be appeals and all that stuff in this case, but how long do I have to pay to feed this piece of shit?

Yep....that 49.99 deal was too good to pass up. If they go under after a year, I’ve still had a year of VPN access for less than what any other VPN provider is going to charge me.

Yep....that 49.99 deal was too good to pass up. If they go under after a year, I’ve still had a year of VPN access was a limited time deal through living social? was a limited time deal through living social?

I use proXPN because there was a lifetime sale type deal. Don’t really have anything negative to say about them. Helped me out when I was getting shit throughput on my macbook. Other than that, works just fine.

I use proXPN because there was a lifetime sale type deal. Don’t really have anything negative to say about them.

Not trying to be a dick but...if you’re REALLY sick of the scheme behind razor cartridges, get yourself a decent merkur razor. For 25 bucks you can buy enough blades to last for YEARS. Now admittedly I grow a beard for half the year so I don’t use as many as some....but even when I’m shaving daily, I use 2 blades a

Not trying to be a dick but...if you’re REALLY sick of the scheme behind razor cartridges, get yourself a decent

Wrestlemania was actually probably the best of the PPVs that I’ve seen since the stupid brand split...but yeah, the talent and storylines are way too watered down. When you need to have AJ Styles wrestle a non-title match against, of all people, Shane McMahon? That’s a sign you need to rethink the direction you’re

I am so SO sick of everybody railing on Reigns.

Well...I mean....duh. Thats what trickle down economics is. Give more money to the wealthy who will, of course, spend it to provide greater income to the less wealthy.

It’s funny, the old adage is that whoever spits out a number first typically loses...

Honestly, I’d like to see the NFL make two changes.

I’m fairly certain that’s pretty standard when it comes to even moderate performance cars. I’m a WRX driver (by NO means comparing the wrx to the GTR except that they’re both designated as “performance” type vehicles). The first thing out of the dealer’s mouth before I signed on the dotted line was about not modding

Not to change the topic but...prostitution within 1000 feet of a church is a separate crime? Really?

THAT I can’t argue with ;)

Alright look. Spicer and Trump are both fascist douchebags, almost certainly racist and misogynist as an added bonus.

I am by NO means defending the name of this beer...but I’d like to just point out that it’s not like this is a new phenomenon. Beer with offensive names are pretty damn common now that every assclown and his mother runs their own microbrew....ranging from something as simple as “Raging Bitch” by Dogfishhead, on up to

I love my subaru. Fucking love it. Love everything about it EXCEPT...

You had me until the interior shots. I dig an aggressive, sporty look on the outside, but inside I want comfort and possibly a modicum of sophistication. I don’t need gigantic splashes of color everywhere...

I’m so confused by what nintendo’s intent is with this thing. Dead pixels? We don’t care. Your shit breaks? Your save files are gone. Virtual console? Nowhere in sight. Launch titles? One of any consequence. Hardware? Sub-par as compared to other modern systems (and yes I acknowledge that this may or may not

Unfortunately it goes WAY beyond just exploiting a widow, and exploiting a woman with an awful disease.