Honestly, you’re just hitting the tip of the iceberg here. It’s not just this one particular thing that DT said....he’s intermingling things that give the folks in the room absolutely zero choice but to applaud.
Honestly, you’re just hitting the tip of the iceberg here. It’s not just this one particular thing that DT said....he’s intermingling things that give the folks in the room absolutely zero choice but to applaud.
Thanks for the in depth review - I was one of those “on the fence” sorts who was considering going to my local gamestop for their midnight line up. I was torn enough that I didn’t preorder so that was my available options if I wanted one at launch....I think I’ve read enough now to know, I don’t actually want one at…
This is the problem when a case is settled out of court. He was never found guilty of the crimes and the women are, I would assume, bound to a non-disclosure in exchange for whatever settlement.
Are you on drugs?
Well that pretty much finishes it off for me. I’d already made the decision not to pre-order, thinking I could always go line up at Best Buy for the midnight release....
Read the comment again, drink a cocktail, and use your fucking brain before you spew forth whatever nonsense comes to mind.
I’m not arguing that it’s impressive, I’m arguing that putting one’s material possession ahead of human life makes one a fucking asshole. That in itself doesn’t make this dude a “stud”.
“Anyone who puts their $70,000+ car on the line to keep a total stranger safe is a bit of a stud in my book.”
For all that people are complaining about how the game is dead etc, it doesn’t seem to be in major metros at least. I was at a two day meeting near central park in Manhattan and was amazed at how many pokestops near and in the park were lit up with lures.
Welcome to a larger world.
There is nothing more fucking infuriating, as an actual Bernie supporter, than watching people who claimed to support Bernie destroy everything that he’s worked his entire career for.
I hope the folks from Jezebel skewer you over this.
It’s a mistake you only make one time. You grab a cookie sheet that’s been in a warming drawer while preheating the oven, you burn the ever loving hell out of your fingers.
To be fair, douchebag has to remain relevant somehow. Last time I saw his name he had an upcoming performance at a seedy couples only resort in the Poconos.
Kodi, sportsdevil. Done.
Kodi, sportsdevil. Done.
I disagree with this article in almost every way.
Bummer. Was pretty much your only option for a (relatively) affordable American cruiser with a motor bigger than 883.
Certainly more reasonable than that ridiculous ACER pricetag....new toy for my kid to drool over for sure ;)
Riiiight humble, thats why all of broadway pretty much labeled her a pompous asshole for doing it.