Man. I’ve seen people bomb at these things before, and it’s always awkward and uncomfortable. This may have been the worst I’ve ever seen.
Man. I’ve seen people bomb at these things before, and it’s always awkward and uncomfortable. This may have been the worst I’ve ever seen.
It seems that this is not uncommon, actually, among women of that age. Evelyn Davis is a crazy psychopath (a wealthy one, added bonus) who has long been known as “Fighting for shareholder’s rights” - however in addition to that she’s been very vocal about disliking companies hiring female executives (in particular…
What exactly is it that they didn’t deliver on? Have all 18 quintillion planets been explored? I somehow doubt it. Have they stopped releasing patches/updates? Absolutely not.
The problem is that people arent (and I hate to use the apple response) playing it right.
Madden pisses me off. It’s not that I mind buying a new game every so often (or a new iteration as it were), but I HATE the fact that Madden is now the ONLY game out there that can use the actual players. With no competition, they’re free to do pretty much whatever the fuck they want...year in, year out. So yeah, I…
I DETEST resource gathering games - I do not find it offensive in NMS. Generally speaking resources are abundant enough that you really shouldn’t have to go too nuts to find them...and for most “survival” purposes there are multiple resources that will fit the same need. Once you finish the very early mission of…
It’s also a fantastic game to play after a bong rip or two, if you’re the sort to do that kind of thing. In case the introspection quality of the game isn’t enough on it’s own, you’ll find yourself REALLY getting into it.
Ugh. I mean, it’s not surprising, and it’s why I wasn’t putting down any cash until I actually saw the things show up in the damn wild. Once they revealed the little box that had to hang in front of your eye to make everything work, I was out.
What the hell does my comment have to do with the US being good, bad, or in-fucking-different???
Strange that the same country gets bent out of shape or goes crazy when there’s a 2 second nip slip during halftime of a superbowl.
Fair point all around - I suppose I was thinking strictly of Euro-American type countries as opposed to religiously directed ones...but point taken.
Read the rest of the thread. The point is that the higher CP stuff has maintained it’s anticipated behavior.
Really? We’re worried about a half second nip slip?
“The thing that’s really frustrating me about No Man’s Sky is that I bought an Xbox One...”
“The thing that’s really frustrating me about No Man’s Sky is that I bought an Xbox One...”
Totally - though at some point I do take on the “I’ve invested too much in this rat-piece-of-shit-asshole to walk away”
Well that right there would be the problem I’d say. If at level 21 I fail to catch a weenie cp 21 with a regular ball, or even a superball....but can then catch a CP 500 and change something with a regular ball...both normal throws etc.
Still nothing to address the old “Hey that cp 63 weedle just broke out of 53 pokeballs”. That’s unfortunate.
Actually came here just to say the same thing. INCREDIBLY hard to pry out of ports that you can’t easily get at.
Actually came here just to say the same thing. INCREDIBLY hard to pry out of ports that you can’t easily get at.
Hey on the good side, my wife and I are still going for our nightly walks through town. We’re just leaving the backup battery at home and not bothering to open pokemon.
Mind dropping me a line with some of those urls? Made a spam account just so I could post it here