geekymitch’s regular price is less than 3 bucks above this deal...and they routinely have it for 22 and change (right now, in fact).’s regular price is less than 3 bucks above this deal...and they routinely have it for 22 and change

YES. So much yes on this. I don’t need the tracking, but the changes to make people rip through pokeballs is just fucking annoying.

If this is what you consider “horrifying”, you’ve led an incredibly sheltered life.

Per twitter....

Honestly, of bigger concern to me than the tracking is the fact that they seem to have gotten wise to the “Catch a million low cp weedles and evolve them to level up” the point where even weenie (Relatively speaking) pokemon break out of balls on a regular, yellow....doesn’t matter, they’re

I dont know that I necessarily agree with that take. The truth is, as adults, sex does tend to be a bit less of a big deal - people can be irresponsible about it, but it doesn’t mean that they’re being stupid or that they’re not looking to get serious. Just because I slept around a bit doesn’t mean I didn’t practice

I was never a huge Austin fan. I think when he was in his real hay day I was still in my “pure fan favorite” phase and mourning the loss of guys like the Ultimate Warrior, or the loss of innocence in wrestling when a dude like Hulk Hogan would heel turn.

Trump is going to fucking win. He’s going to fucking win because people are being idiots. They’re burning down their own house because they don’t like the front door.

They seem to happen EVERY day around 4PM EST...and today they hit JUST as I started mowing my lawn (normally a GREAT time to hatch those eggs....fuckers)

I am not a big 3rd eye blind fan. I probably know a half dozen songs.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: at it’s heart pokemon go is a terrible game. It’s boring, it’s repetitive, it’s’s all the things I hate in a mobile game.

ANd yet logitech won’t keep making the mx5500 desktop series that everyone freakin loves. I’ve had the same keyboard for well over 5 years and love it...and just bought a replacement for the mouse (old battery just wasn’t holding a charge anymore) - great set, highly recommend though not necessarily for the nearly 700

ANd yet logitech won’t keep making the mx5500 desktop series that everyone freakin loves. I’ve had the same keyboard

P.S. they are not accepting applications after all.

Its funny, lots of people are thinking “oooh I want a pokestop in my backyard” - having seen piles of people parked at pokestops, gyms etc, I’m pleased as punch there isn’t one ANYWHERE near my home. While the idea of sitting there and spinning the pokestop over and over while home sounds good, in theory....

Also worth mention you can up that to 13000mah for an extra 7 bucks

Also worth mention you can up that to 13000mah for an extra 7 bucks

Solid deal - grateful that I already have several battery packs kicking around....

Solid deal - grateful that I already have several battery packs kicking around....

I keep thinking I want to pick up a rift...but every time I read about the available games there’s just nothing screaming for me to try it. Part of that is also because I’m mostly a sports game player and I guess things like that simply don’t translate well...

They run a hell of a lot better on the gtx 1070 I just got as opposed to the old-as-hell-radeon I’d been using.

Didn’t realize they were out already - guess I’m stopping on the way home to bring some to my wife.

This woman is the very definition of white privilege. If anyone needed proof it existed, look no further.