Yeah, but cloves are soft and nice looking. Pineapple plants (not the fruit) are almost a cactus.
Yeah, but cloves are soft and nice looking. Pineapple plants (not the fruit) are almost a cactus.
Even though humans are long gone, the devices we built and gave the mission of seeking out life still search the…
They also mark their territory by waggling their little tails while defecating, flinging it far and wide. You do NOT want to be standing near one when that happens!
Goats eat every f$cking thing. My cute goats used to eat my pineapple plants. For those of you who've never seen a pineapple plant, they are super spiky and un-friendly looking.
<sarcasm>Gotta love comment approval around here. Show the comments that aren't even on topic, hide the comments that are actually about the subject matter. Beautiful example of how the internet actually works.</sarcasm> Forgive me. I'm sick of gray.
A report from the Jet Propulsion laboratory today reveals that in May 2012, while Titan's southern hemisphere was…
The way is shut. It was made by those who are Dead, and the Dead keep it, until the time comes. The way is shut.
"NO, Witness of Jehovah, I shall NOT take your literature!"
Something great and glowing emerges from a dilapidated complex in this week's concept art writing prompt. What is…
Because I know y'all love accuracy in your posts about Internet jokes, most of the images on The Worst Cat are of baby pygmy hippos (Choeropsis liberiensis), which are a different species than common hippos (Hippopotamus amphibius). Here's a video of a baby pygmy hippo.
As an aside, the temperature of these liquid crystalline phase transitions can be tweaked to an extent by the DNA concentration. I suppose it's possible that the phage genome size is tuned with respect to the volume of the viral capsid to permit more fluid phases at lower temperatures.
So, I think it's a very interesting result. One thing that I'm a little concerned about is that, by-in-large, most bacteriophage infections in the world are happening at something below that temperature. You posted an article just a few days ago that the oceans have some stratospheric number of bacteriophage…
Two new studies are showing that viral infections are possible owing to a remarkable biological phase transition.…
Sad kitty... :(
You might assume, by virtue of being called the "common reed," that it's a common element of Eastern United States…
This is not an asteroid crater. Or so says a new study looking at the moon's largest dark spot Oceanus Procellarum (a.k.a Ocean of Storms). But the newly proposed origin is equally cool: A stretching of the lunar crust, driven by a process that researchers compare to plate tectonics here on Earth.
You might think that but it is a cat. Just a very terrible cat.
I've never wanted to own a baby hippo, or a weird hairless cat that likes water, until today.
Oh, god. I'm crying. I don't even understand why this is so funny, but I'm crying.