
That made me review my posts, thank you very much. I am happy to say, contrarian is not all I post.

I do wish it would go back somewhere down, less visible now.

I agree with this. I did miss the part of him getting angry at first. I still don't believe knowledge of the eggs is a requirement for success though.

I actually changed my mind a little. The person in the story is not the smartest person, because of his rudeness and inability to communicate with his server. His not knowing of the eggs, though, is inconsequential - unless he aspires to be a chef.

This I absolutely agree with

Exactly, ability to communicate is where he failed. Not knowing about the eggs - whatever.

I don't have any such plans, I assure you. I am actually very sorry I have offended internet egg specialists everywhere. Now I want to make a public statement. Here goes:

I am also right

You are wrong and have no way of backing up the connection between knowledge of the ways to cook eggs and intellect or mental deficit.

I am not him. It is really up to you to believe or not, though.

I don't want anyone being called dumb without a good reason.

I am.

And you're the best in the category of helpfulness and reasonability.

That's a very valid reason to know different kinds exist.

Thank you for the kind words. I didn't know eggs were so important, though. Serves me right, haha.

I'll try to. But do people value their eggs, though!

The number of ways to cook eggs is such a meaningless, insignificant thing to judge a person over.

It really depends on how often you eat out. I can easily imagine a successful, smart 25 yo person who has never eaten an egg in a restaurant.

I know, right? And they are asking me about eggs when I am thinking of my differential equation! What's an egg, even???

Now, even though you probably mean me, I can't say I don't like your humor, which also happens to be very true. Here is a star for you.