
I was always a little put off by the utter and complete lack of sex in a series about teenagers at a co-ed boarding school. Was there an anti-boner spell over the entire school or something? Was it the only high school in the entire world to achieve a 0% teen pregnancy rate? Are witches and wizards just naturally

Ugh they tried to build low income housing for those people near my house but our neighborhood managed to force the government to build it elsewhere. No one wants those kinds of people around. Doing Science late at night keeping everyone up, probably running experiments on pets and children. Next thing you know you

"What question do astronomers most often find themselves asking the year after they get their Ph.D.?"

Congratulations, you've successfully outed your ignorance that is the pure byproduct of your privilege.

Instead of poo-pooing all over people who didn't have it as good as you maybe you should be a little nicer and open minded instead of looking down on them, making assumptions, and calling them stupid.

Why is it highly unlikely? Are you people seriously blind to the poverty around here? Why does it blow peoples minds when they find out you grew up with far less than they had? Why is that so unbelievable? You can be as intellectually curious as you want but if you don't have the resources to feed that curiosity you

But it's also insulting as fuck to assume because someone wasn't exposed to all the egg options and never ventured into the arena that they're stupid. Yes you can be poor and accomplish things. But for some of us enjoying and exploring life has never really been an option. For some of us it's been about surviving

Ok, and if your parents don't know what that is and never make it for you then what? I didn't have the privilege of parents who exposed me to all the shit growing up. Nor did I have opportunities to explore the diversity there is in food via choosing from a menu since we were too poor to eat out at fancy places. It's

/raises hand. But I generally grew up far too poor to afford eating out.

I dunno man, I really dislike eggs and thus I never ever order them or cook them, and I still know they can be cooked a bunch of different (disgusting YES I SAID IT) ways. I think it takes a special kind of ignorance to have no idea that scrambled and over-easy are different types of the same thing.

Had a friend once who had finally found a type of vegetarian turkey meat he liked and was so delighted that he could enjoy a turkey sandwich. I tried a slice and it tasted like a wet paper towel. "You poor bastard," I thought, "you've forgotten what deli meat tastes like." But he was so happy eating his sandwich, I

I think it's like a perturbed sphere, but with three distinct regions characterized by different heat constants. One of the regions is really thin relative to the others, meaning that if you want to model heat flows within the egg, your differential equation solver needs to allow variable step sizes, or you need a

For what it's worth, I'm with you. Plenty of people don't cook. Plenty of people are raised in families where eggs for breakfast are only prepared one way, or where eggs aren't eaten on their own at all. It's WEIRD somebody reached adulthood without learning some eggs are fried and others are scrambled and developing

yelling about eggs is our god given right as americans

There are many ways he could have handled the information bomb that had just landed on him. He could have said, "Uh, well, what do you recommend?" or perhaps "you know, all yellow and fluffy" or even "I... think I'll go for the pancakes instead." It's easy to get mad and/or defensive when somebody shows you up as

There are two words to explain this guy "Mama's boy" - He just eats them how she cooks them. It's that simple.

"Also, maybe he knows multiple ways to solve a differential equation or calm a crying baby, or, I don't know, tie a necktie or something."

Dude, people on kitchenette get pretty dang militant. No one ordered a well-done steak here today, but when they do, duck and cover.

It's not the fact that he doesn't have an opinion that makes him dumb, it's the fact that he didn't realize there was even a subject to have opinions about. To not know that there are multiple ways to prepare eggs is astoundingly oblivious.

Preach! I am vegan and I don't care what anyone else eats, so I'd just like the same respect and courtesy from others. Let me eat my "weird" vegetable sandwiches or meatless tacos free of ridicule.