
You have weathered this onslaught so damn well. <applause>

OK well I learned something - I had no idea there was such a thing as "over hard" or "over medium" - I only ever heard "over easy"!

Most versions of eggs make me feel ill. Eggs in baked goods don't, deviled eggs don't and I don't think hardboiler eggs are that bad but I can't really readily identify was the culprit is.

How could anyone NOT care how their differential equation is solved?!? Personally, finite difference methods make me sick. And man, oh man, how can anyone resist a nice elegant analytic solution when. it's available? I mean, I get using finite element methods when the alternative is an infinite series of Bessel

I suggest that somebody's mommy decided how he liked his eggs, and served them to him that way, from day one, and never thought to mention anything about it. I can totally understand why a young man (assuming stereotypical gender roles in the family of origin, as were implied in the story) might not have any idea

I, for one, agree with you here. I think I was around 25.. Was starting to get into food/cooking. But I had just not yet ever thought about eggs. I always just kinda threw it in a pan and "scrambled" it. My boyfriend at the time brought up poached eggs. I sincerely didn't know about them. Meanwhile, I was getting my

I dunno, I hate eggs (they make me feel like crap whenever I eat them) and I made it to about ... 10 years old before I realize there was something besides "over easy".

Just a small nit-picky thing, but being ignorant of something is not analogous to being stupid. Saying someone is ignorant of something is the same as saying they are unaware of something; it says nothing of one's intellect or ability to understand or comprehend something, simply that they heretofore do not know it.

everyone knows the only acceptable answer is "unfertilized."

No one said dumb. He was, or at least appeared to be ignorant of the many ways eggs can be prepared. That says nothing of his intellect, perhaps it does about his experience through.

Erm...I think you're confusing the word "ignorant" for "dumb" and "stupid."

Egg Man is ignorant. Better?

When I worked at a breakfast place, people would regularly order eggs "over." And I would say, "over easy? Over medium? Over hard?" And they would bark at me, "OVER." I would always choose medium if they refused to make a decision, and surprise surprise - it was always wrong.

I imagined him as a guy still living with his mother and who had only had eggs one way because that's the only way his mom prepared them for him. Yes, I'm buying into the whole Jersey stereotype, but full disclosure I moved here for school so I feel qualified make the judgement call :P

You must admit that if it WERE a case of him not even knowing that eggs can be done in a variety of's pretty bizarre.

My husband's friend (late twenties, uber-rich parents, works at his dad's law firm) didn't know how lemonade was made. He was perplexed when he saw me juicing lemons and adding water and sugar in a pitcher. He thought all lemonade was made in a factory.

Except for the part about how he asked her what she meant when she asked him how he wanted them cooked. If he'd responded immediately with "I don't care" that'd be one thing.

The man was never accused of stupidity, only rightly accused of a remarkable ignorance of cooking methods of eggs.

Because it's really frustrating being a server and having someone tell you "I don't care you pick". No, I will not pick for you. If you don't care that much then you can just say "Scrambled" and be done with it.