
Thank you.

As somebody else mentioned he may have been eating eggs cooked only one way all his life. Calling people you know nothing about is dumb, and not just a little dumb. The value / interests I am talking about are gastronomical ones. I love food and care about taste, but I can't expect others to pay any attention to it at

I agree. Sorry for misreading the article's title and blindly applying it to the entire content.

Exactly. Sorry for misreading the article's title.

Bizarre - yes, dumb - no.

I actually am. Sorry for the confusion. Misread the title of the article.


This is where our opinions differ. I don't think of eggs being a basic thing.

Dumb Restaurant Customers Are An Infinitely Renewable Resource

Apparently, eggs are not that important to some people.

That I can understand.

Ok, ok, this is baffling. Just not dumb.

I don't think any judgement can be made about the ideological resolve based on what their food looks like.

Why would you need to know about multiple ways to cook eggs if you don't care how they are done?

These are all funny. I only have a problem with this one:

Some people turn vegan for ideological reasons and still miss the taste / texture of all the non-vegan food. Can you really blame them for that?

tongue got hit with a laser

I am not sure I understand the purpose of the chickensaurs. I mean, when we genetically modify things, we do it, supposedly, to achieve some results - some improvements, don't we?

Mathematical induction happens, and all hell breaks loose. What you give them is not an information, but a edit: spoiler has been, I think, removed common goal. Poor obsessive-compulsive beasts, if only they were not so logical.

Sneeze with your eyes open? Pfft... I can sneeze with both hands tied behind my back.