In a recent interview with NOVA's Secret Life of Scientists and Engineers, legendary primatologist Jane Goodall…
In a recent interview with NOVA's Secret Life of Scientists and Engineers, legendary primatologist Jane Goodall…
Team Cat Headquarters here,
Wednesday is the hardest day of the week. That's a scientific fact I just made up to get you to agree with me, but…
Designer Eleanor Lutz used high-speed nature footage, Photoshop, and Illustrator to map the wingbeats of five…
As a Brit, I hold the door open for anyone. I've actually stood outside a shop for about 3 minutes before while multiple people left through the door I held.
The maps J.R.R. Tolkien drew to accompany his tales are their own form of story, sketching out the boundaries of his…
Johnny Depp in Nightmare on Elm Street.
Two death scenes have stuck with me:
Oberyn, Game of Thrones. One of the few scenes in any movie or TV show that made me look away from the screen.
Andy Serkis' death by worm/leech in "King Kong." Even today it gives me the chills...
Your Thai food is not authentic. You have 20 seconds to comply.
oh yessss
Triangulations blogger Sabio Lantz recently put together this rather clever diagram showing how the English language…
Shouldn't you hold doors open for people, period? If I'm opening a door and someone's behind me I keep that door open, and vice-versa other people do the same for me. It's just polite.
Next week's lunar eclipse, visible on October 8th all over the U.S., should be quite a sight to see. But, when you…
Ever heard a restaurant employee shouting about weeds or fire or all day and wondered just what the hell they were…
University of New Mexico is taking a new approach to preventing sex abuse on campus — teaching students how to have…
A Virginia teen has been slapped with assault charges despite being brutally beaten in an altercation at his high…