
I wouldn't be so optimistic. I hear it's a chronic condition, so it might return if you're not careful.

False positive is when a test indicates the condition is present when it is not. False negative is when the test fails to show the condition is present, when it's actually there.

This is funny. Although in this particular case, false positives are better than false negatives.

Why does he not talk to... well, you know - them? They should cooperate and overthrow the, um, whatever is going on!

Yeah, no. They just want to chew, couldn't care less about the minerals. What minerals in a glove, explain that to me?

And then, being a self-replicating Berserker probe, it sets out on its real mission - exterminate or prevent all complex life and ensure the planet's suitability for long-extinct human species.

And that is amazing! Once seen, it can never be unseen. How can one think hippos aren't cool after witnessing such an act?

Also, they eat gloves and other human-made stuff.

Before I go to completely biased, illogical and generic rant, let me propose one last argument.

Only makes them even more cool

Doesn't make them any less cute.

Nothing gross about hippos, they are cute. And baby hippos are doubly cute. They are like piglets, only more awesome.

Aw, I want a kitten like that!!! I hear they grow large though... Sigh :(

Making Eru's name all powerful does not make Tolkien's world special. Quite the opposite, this is a rigidly logical feature you so don't like. Assigning canon rules and making author a God is defining and making an encyclopedia from mythology.

Author is the God. What they say goes.

Let's not reduce the evil genius to magic! Morgoth said the words of curse and then made sure it got fulfilled, he did some clever things there.

Oh, I'm not saying it's convincing. Only that it's a nice theory.

Well, of course. I like the theory in that link though. Especially this part:

Can't say I was too ok to begin with, but now I need professional help.