
Your addressing fiscal policy, not monetary policy.

Identity politics splinters conversations around class only if you’re fundamentally uninterested in making people who are not like you a priority.

Pretty good take. Of course this starts happening just as I’m about to start working month on/month off in Israel and I already negotiated the rate. . .

Speaking of the UAE’s role, their Minister of State said yesterday that they fear that the Houthis will become a حزب الله جديد , “new Hezbollah,” so they’re helping with the escalation in rhetoric.

Saudi Gulf affairs minister Thamer al-Sabhan told Al-Arabiya TV that Saad al-Hariri, who announced his resignation as Lebanon’s prime minister on Saturday, had been told that acts of “aggression” by Hezbollah “were considered acts of a declaration of war against Saudi Arabia by Lebanon and by the Lebanese Party of

Really? Because I thought it meant that the “good guy” made no difference at all, unless the bad guy was the good guy by shooting himself.

regular people with firearms are almost five times more likely to be shot in an assault than those not armed, University of Pennsylvania researchers found.

I thought I already read somewhere that the local sheriff reported the gunman shot himself after a car chase that involved a bystander and a brief exchange of fire with the “good guy”?

Disagreeing with the current Israeli government does not make someone an anti-semite.

He did hide it. The short version is “shell companies” in relation to failures to disclose during his confirmation hearings. Of course, the committee didn’t have time for thorough vetting because McConnell was trying to rush all the confirmations through, so I’d be interested to see if there’ll be any effort to put

Outlawing murder doesn’t seem to work to stop people from killing each other. I guess we can just disband the Texas Attorney General’s office since laws aren’t 100% effective.

I’m trying to figure out what is with this influx of witless wonders the root is attracting lately. It needs to stop. For real.

Changed your picture and username already? Not the mark of a troll at all...

I don’t get the hate towards the author. He thinks of himself primarily as “diverse” rather than black, which he thinks was because he was raised in environments where broad diversity was the norm (which was not true of Obama). Doesn’t he get to decide his own identity?

I’m pulling this pathetic piece of shit out of the greys because I want you to see it playing footsie with a neo-Nazi cretin and posting hate speech cliches it took from rabid hate sites and groups.

I’ve actually had people try to argue with me when I tell them Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews also use the word Allah, even though proving it is as simple as opening an Arabic copy of the Bible: it’s right there in Genesis 1:1.

Are you actually...defending willful ignorance?

Who keeps letting these bigoted filth out of the greys on Splinter? Seriously, where did the moderation go? This only seems to happen regularly on this sub-blog?

John Kerry told us in 2004 that terrorism was going to be something like organized crime: something we had to remain vigilant and stalwart against because it would never fully be eradicated. He lost because enough Americans (and voting machines) decided that “Lets just keep doing what we’re doing for the next 13

And authorities held off labeling terrorism till they had details to back it up, which is how it should be done. (As opposed to people on social media who heard “truck hits people” and immediately started digitally yelling about Islamic terrorism, which is how it should not be done.)