Longstreet’s vilified because he wrote a book criticizing Lee and dated assessments of his actions at Gettysburg. Most contemporaries believe him to have been a very gifted tactician.
Longstreet’s vilified because he wrote a book criticizing Lee and dated assessments of his actions at Gettysburg. Most contemporaries believe him to have been a very gifted tactician.
It doesn’t even really have to do with the military. These are fundamental characteristics that are valued and tried to be instilled pretty much universally across all cultures that this administration seems proud to be devoid of. There may be a bit more focus on propriety among the military as they likely have roots…
“Removing the statues, Kelly said, demonstrates ‘a lack of appreciation of history and what history is.’”
Robert E. Lee was an honorable man who gave up his country to fight for his state.
I’ve seen some Israeli and Palestinian teens and young adults just say some horrible shit on social media to each other. (I believe this was in a program about social media and television propaganda.) I’d love to see reasonable standards of civility in posting (excluding excited utterances when wounded, maimed,…
This Boston Globe editorial seems to pretty well cover his paranoid, reactionary approach to living in America in the 21st century, a kind of “exterminate the brutes” and “we’re constantly under attack” mentality.
That one who’s replying to you I’ve reported repeatedly, too. At least four or five times.
Dred Scott has always been a talking point for Christian Conservatives. Abortion “worse than Dred Scott!” Marriage equally “Dred Scott!”
Yet when it comes to civil rights and simple justice they make no mention of the case. I wonder how he feels about Loving vs Virginia.
Sure. It took a bit of creativity with the Google search terms, but here’s the story from NPR:
This is one of the reasons it should make those of us paying attention to all this really kind of nervous:
As a white cisgendered male, I do not understand white people.
With respect, if anything you have the theory backwards. Military officers and enlisted personnel are trained to obey higher use-of-force protocols than the police are, and they will be punished severely and court-martialed, if not imprisoned if they fail. There are actually confirmed cases already where former…
As someone with two “social science” degrees (a BA and MA), these aren’t sciences at all (perhaps as hinted at by my degree titles). And part of the problem with the fields as a whole is trying to pretend that they are true blue sciences. Human behavior is too erratic to become predictable in any meaningful way.
This is exactly how I feel about economics as a discipline, complete with the fetishistic focus on empiricism to the exclusion of contextual frameworks that actually clarify the data and make it usable in real-life situations, which are far too complex and involved to model in the same vein as physical systems.
EPA Administrators have always had CID protection details since Reagan formed the CID, certainly when the administrator was traveling. What is unprecedented here is that Pruitt has CID guarding him 24/7. I keep wondering who he’s so afraid of. Probably his own employees.
Agreed. And since he’s adjunct, he doesn’t get any graders to help him police the class.
Next debate question: Is political science really a science?
This is a faulty premise. People don’t talk about sexually harassing/assaulting people. Or at least in my 30 years of life and extensive time hanging out with bros, they haven’t.
Stop playing dense.
Just like everything else about “The Big Bang Theory,” its treatment of women / gender is... not great.