
There’s a ton of data contradicting most of that take, including the idea that most Americans are centrists (most are solidly one party or the other, and most independents lean one way and vote one way).

You’re not very well informed, because so-called “triple talaq” divorce is not legal in a number of Muslim countries. While it’s technically part of a number of Sunni schools, it’s not widely accepted as common practice. Pakistan, for example, has banned it, and Pakistan is hardly the most secular state. 

Your authoritarian bigotry has no place in a liberal and democratic society. Take your prejudice and cowardice and choke on them.

Red meat to the far-right. Pardon powers being abused morally. 

Ugh, Schumer is giving a speech right now. The writing isn’t actually terrible, there’s some good stuff there, but he has the charisma of a wood post. He doesn’t know how to speak publicly. He’s hitting emphasis on the wrong places, he’s constantly looking down at his script (more than would pass on a high school

Whoever he picks will be bad, they all come with endorsements from far-right culture war groups.

I’d just say don’t use a New Atheist argument, Dawkins or otherwise, unless you’ve personally researched the topic. Most of the time they assume their prejudices and thought patterns are normative, and nothing else. They don’t bother to grapple with the question on an intellectual level.

His promotion of evopsych, which is a field where the majority of “scholars” promoting it work from bigoted first assumptions (particularly against women). You can google criticism of evopsych and find it put more thoroughly than I can explain it at the moment. There’s also him engaging in the usual rabid bigotry

To be replaced with a coal lobbyist. The damage done to the EPA goes much deeper.

I doubt there would be much support, and with respect to public school teachers I’m not sure all of them are really qualified. Teacher quality varies so widely, from ones who know their field well to ones who know the methodology of teaching but are 40 years out of date in their field and don’t know JSTOR from Jamba

FYI, since there’s at least 5 or 6 trolls in the greys, for all of you asshats trying to rile me up, I’m just dismissing you. I don’t care that you’re a bigot and love Maajid Nawaz or CIS or Jordan Peterson. Go whine about being persecuted on Twitter with the rest of the shitheels who hold your toxic ideological

It’s quite lucrative. There’s quite a few big anti-Muslim ones too, including pseudo-centrist groups like Quilliam (Maajid Nawaz, the alt-rights favorite Muslim because he panders to their bigoted narratives). Not to be confused with Quillette, an online magazine that hosts similarly bigoted pseudo-scholars like

You can argue for less immigration on purely policy terms. It’s possible. I don’t think it’s even close to persuasive, and I doubt most other people will either, but it can be done and every now and then you’ll read a smart and humane take on the issue. But that’s not what CIS does. Their arguments are designed to

Every time CIS, FAIR, or NumbersUSA is cited in a mainstream article I want to scream. Politico does it all the time, despite generally being higher in quality. They usually call them “groups that advocate for less immigration” or some other cowardly euphemism. They are all racist groups. They were founded and

Even if she was selling something, why would you call the cops? Those jobs suck, they don’t want to be there any more than you do.

I’m not quite as sure, because while there have been plenty of terrible right wing governments here and elsewhere since WWII, this backslide into fairly open fascistic rhetoric and logic isn’t that same pattern. It’s fair to say this is a different style of the same harmful behaviors, but the fact that the different

I’ve dismissed him 20 times in other threads and a few times here. But sometimes the point is better made by letting the bigot hang himself with his own rope. He got what he wanted, but he did his act on a bigger stage than usual, and that suits me in the long term. He’s been harassing me for so long I think making

It’s not, but what you do is trolling, right down to parroting “disagreement is not trolling” which you’ll see on a thousand trollish Twitter accounts. Even neo-Nazis get in on that mendacious line.

This is a provable lie. The amount of blood is nowhere near equivalent. Israelis kill far more Palestinians directly, and when looking at indirect causes the count is massively one-sided.

You use the same troll account and do this over and over. People have seen multiple times that “sober and reasonable” is just your particular brand of trolling. One most people are familiar with.