Finally, an idea even the Trump administration looked at and said “That’s not a good idea”.
Finally, an idea even the Trump administration looked at and said “That’s not a good idea”.
To be honest, I wouldn’t apply it their either. It’s such a lazy trope. It’s a way to wave off real analysis and details in favor of an easy narrative. Those intellectual shortcuts are bad, no matter where applied, though it’s particularly pernicious when they get lazily applied somewhere like the Middle East where…
Completely historically illiterate.
Anyone with a shred of integrity should ignore the racist pompous troll Max Contrarian. It knows nothing and shouts lie constantly.
Oh look, we have neo-Nazi cunt #2 (apologies to anyone offended by the word, but if you look up the British usage, it is quite literally the perfect word for these vile and pathetic creatures).
This is pure ahistorical bullshit. The whole “the Middle East has been locked in war for centuries and they’ve hated each other for centuries” thing is one of the most highly criticized bits of Orientalist logic and myths that still exists. Every MENA specialist learns to roll their eyes at it.
Your comment makes abundantly clear you have never engaged in “honest debate” nor are you familiar with the details of the policies you’re sitting here whitewashing. You’re vomiting out right wing cliches that fail to match the reality.
Plenty of them are. The history of racism against Mizrahi Jews within Israel, most of them Arabic speakers, is worth being aware of. Just like the Irish turning on blacks in the US to get the approval of the white upper classes, Mizrahi Jews are now some of the most vocal haters of Palestinians and Arabs, and in…
A sub blog here takes away the stuff I worked so hard on. Plus I’ve already paid the hosting and domain stuff.
Here’s a fun corrollary to this.
Please stop feeding the neo-Nazi troll. There is no discussion with that sick abusive fuck.
That guy is a massive troll. Please don’t fall for the fake liberal shtick. That cretin just called me an anti-Semite on another thread. If you have the power to ban, ban it instead.
Add “Gizmodo Group Manager #3" who’s spewing neo-Nazi rhetoric in the greys.
Add “Good Job Good Effort” to the list. I’ll continue updating as these worthless cretins show themselves. A thread like this will bring them out.
You utterly sick fuck. That edit is beyond the pale, even for some Nazi shitstain like you. Maybe with a little luck they’ll ban your vile ass once again. Or maybe you’ll just spontaneously drop dead and make the world a little better. One can hope.
This pathetic neo-Nazi sack of shit that has been stalking and harassing me for months is the reason I’ve never posted the URL on this site.
FYI, SaturdayNightBattlefieldEarthFever is a neo-Nazi troll and should be flagged and dismissed with prejudice.
It’s one of those “pretend to be an exaggerated caricature of a liberal while in truth being a far-right troll” accounts. I’ve dismissed it more than once lately.
It took less than 30 seconds for the first pissant of a troll to call me anti-Semitic. Of course, as per usual, they can’t even pretend to back up that accusation with evidence.
Saban is trash. His rabid bigotry against Arabs and Palestinians is well documented. He, like his fellow traveler in filth Dershowitz, is not a liberal in any meaningful sense of the term because he rejects the fundamental premises of liberal democratic political theory. The reality is he holds a number of moderate or…