
Stuff like this just convinces me I really need to restart my website. Not a lot of people read it and it’s just a small drop in a sea of bad information, but at least I can do my part. I never expected to make any money from it and since I’m chronically ill I’m not losing money from missed opportunities. If only Wix

Mattis is way too high. He’d have them somewhere you can see them, and it wouldn’t be a bunch of cheap knock-off katanas he’d have an actual set with a katana, wakazashi, and tanto. The love in the military for that sort of formal military decor is real (the style of Okinawan martial arts I took as a kid, Isshinryu,

Democrats won’t make racist “white fear” voters vote for them no matter if they go to the center on immigration or not. Those voters are motivated by prejudice, not policy, and they’re so deep in the right wing media ecosystem even IF Democrats appeal to them their media will feed them more lies to keep them loyal. 

Yeah, sorry. That was undeserved. I’d just dealt with three prior to you, one here and two on Twitter, and I guess I was primed and kept going. Now it’s a lot easier to see the sarcasm. Sincerely sorry.

Piss off. First, I’m certain you have no actual education in political science. Second and related, if you did you’d see Trump voters aren’t really in play and are the dumbest possible demo to go after. I’m sure you’re just another one of the pissant trolls with 2o accounts clogging up this site, but take your

A long time supporter of racist policies and governments in Israel, which really puts his love for bigotry and illiberalism in clear view. Dershowitz would and probably has defended the IDF shooting Palestinian children.

Dershowitz has been racist trash for years and everyone one from the Middle East, particularly Palestinians, have known it for years. All his talk about “civil liberties” is pure horseshit because he’s never seen an authoritarian and racist policy towards Palestinians he doesn’t love. He’s the epitome of a privileged

Both of those are arguably far-right these days, that they aren’t considered so widely is more about how skewed the US political spectrum has become than anything else.

They started with a pretty shallow pool. The Republican wonk class is, generally speaking, less far-right than the politicians and media types. A significant portion of them are “moderate”, in the sense they’re like Collins or other GOP moderates, which means they’re solid conservatives but not far-right (the spectrum

Oh yeah, I absolutely agree on changing the law, I just thought that was a bit of a given. It’s both obvious and currently politically impossible. But absent that you’ve got to look at less useful changes that can mitigate the harm. 

Not in a way that will pass even the barest of scrutiny, no. While the Supreme Court have been playing stooges and cowards, the lower courts have shown a willingness to scrutinize empty appeals to national security on the merits, and that’d be enough to force HHS to do something, if it comes to that. “Avoiding bad

Do they have any legal basis for just refusing to answer? It can’t be a natsec issue, there’s no way I can see to spin that. If there is a legal basis, it needs to be changed. It’s pretty clear we need to legislate transparency now that Trump and his gang of horribles have made clear old norms are dead. 

INS had nowhere near the resources to inflict that cruelty on the same scale. What you present is a viable worse case scenario, I’d already considered it as such, but it’s still less harm on the broad scale than now.

The other branch under USICE, who don’t work in deportations, are the ones who wanted to be split off from ICE because it’s negatively affecting their work. If the DHS cared about policy, they’d just do it, not attempt mendacious PR like this.

Just got blocked by a neo-Nazi/alt-right account on Twitter trying to defend Paul on a thread off a tweet by a fairly well known liberal account. The idiot couldn’t make a cogent point but was desperately trying to say Paul wasn’t a Nazi despite retweeting literal neo-Nazi imagery and that communists were really bad

Sure but that assumes she wants to. She’s risk averse politically. 

Bolton works for whoever pays him. Last year he went to the big MEK event, the MEK is a cult that describes itself as opposition to the Iranian regime and buys US policitians to promote it, despite it being an illiberal cult with literally no influence in Iran and associations with the Israeli intelligence services

Given political realities that might be the best she can say. There’s nothing that motivates the Republican base more than rabid fundamentalism on abortion. Trump’s racism is powerful, but that motivated people who don’t normally go all out in GOP primaries. There’s no space in the party for being pro-choice.

Most people on Medicaid who are able bodied work. The ones who don’t tend to be either children or face health issues that make the job market difficult to navigate. This isn’t about anything but laying the groundwork to start shrinking the program entirely, until it’s so small it can be cut and replaced with some

Yeah, but she didn’t say that. Almost no one is arguing that, that’s become a strawman that gets brought up whenever talking about progressive candidates. No one credible is saying “run progressive candidates in conservative leaning-districts”.