
Quick point of clarification: pro-BDS =/= anti-Israel. Opposing the government’s actions and policies are not the same thing as opposing a country wholesale. It’s the same as the distinction between being anti-Apartheid and anti-South Africa.

Investigation is just code for cover up, right?

Judge Dredd was supposed to be a warning, too many people think it is a goal.

These things aren’t even licensed. They are illegal on roadways, period.

Yes, they are an industry group... all industry groups have a bias. 

I mean if you think the Aubrey Plaza ad is targeted at mainland China’s citizens...ok, that’s a salient point then.  Otherwise, what I said is entirely correct: in AMERICA the rising popularity of nut juice(s) was and is being driven by mostly white consumers and influencers.  Racial divides apparent in lactose

Well, you see, they believe strongly in the primacy of individual freedom, but also strongly in the right of the state to kill people without trial. It’s a puzzler!

I am both astonished and not at all surprised that one could think that riding a moped in violation of motor vehicle regulations is comparable, in any possible way, under any possible circumstances, to the state using a 5,000 pound vehicle in a manner that is extraordinarily likely to kill a man.

So flash your lights and pull the dude over. Lord. Wtf is wrong with this country where half the population wants the cops to act like some sort of kill squad who can just fuck with people for no reason. 

One asshole isn’t deliberately trying to kill the other.

Yep, illegal on roadways. Death penalty without trial certainly called for, no question about it.

“Riding a moped on the highway is life threatening. So if I catch you doing it, I’m going to threaten your life.” — officer friendly

You think there’s going to be an investigation?

the completion of the investigation

That doesn’t change the fact that the ad violates the law based on the fact that it is using USDA Milk ad funding while pushing a political agenda. it’s the same reason the president can’t use government funds for campaign ads.

correct, there’s also the fact that the Dairy group that made this ad is restricted in what they can advertise due to the fact that those advertisements are subsidized by the US government. which is why they are not allowed to promote or push for specific legislative purposes in the ads which is part of the issue here.

Colin Kaepernick had the courage to take a stand against this police brutality, and the strength to withstand the punishment for doing so. With no action, these police killings seem to be getting worse, not better.

A kid got shot you fucking mouth breathing incel cuck

Why did he shoot me?