I am amused by which profanity you censor and which you don’t.
It hurts when I do this.
This is why I carry a Code Brown rider with my insurance policy.
It took you nine days to inform me that you still don’t get it.
Thanks for the advice to walk away person who wandered in for no reason!
I guess I’ll remove the comma in this reply.
(Brent shared in a pointless comment)
White knight him all you want. He won't fuck you.
Thanks, snowflake!
This is a wet fart in an elevator of a car.
Window tint was a smart choice.
Bullies see a victim that they know (assume) cannot chase them down so they commence the bullying. Because they are bullies.
I refuse to accept a marine said “fark.”
Carefully explaining things make makes me the bad guy? Oh, okay.
Only in terrible action movies from the 1980s.
Rolling coal violates the federal Clean Air Act which covers emissions for all states. Texas abides by the federal law but there is also a state transportation code that prohibits altering automobile emissions.
Put some flags of the banana republic I rule despotically on the front and my personal decoy can drive this around to meet my subjects.