
And I’ve pranced around with a feather duster up my butt. a Mini?

There is a niche market for everyone and everything. I’m sure someone out there is collecting classic Camrys.

Can I borrow six grand?

Too rare to modify. Too boring to restore. Too expensive to bother.

And now I’m searching the internet for C30s.

You’ll be the coolest seven year old on the block.

Buy this (still overpriced.)

I did that same thing once.

Bring back the BRAT!

That title feel like the random word generator threw darts at an old newspaper. 

Saying a dumb thing with confidence just shows people that you're a confident dummy.

Hearses are where it is at. Don’t let your first ride in a hearse be your last. 

Don’t mess with the dancer who can sustain an inverted thigh hold on that thing at highway speed.

You’re on Lifehacker, clowntits.

I haven’t seen the movie yet, but the ads promise an almost obscene amount of Ana de Armas.

This is how it ends.

I just watched it (available on Tubi) and it has not aged well.

You doubt my authority? This card is just two punches away from a free frozen yogurt.

I'll have a dozen buffalo bats with bleu cheese and celery sticks.