
Dont worry, coward. Not everyone is like you.

One wonders how many of the overpoliced residents lost their right to vote through bullshit charges thanks to overpolicing.

Wouldn’t t be easier to let people vote?

Option A: vote him out

I told you baby it wasn’t my fault.

You can pay people to like you.

This comments section is doing a service.

LBJ would have held a meeting with them while taking a dump in a White House shitter.

That requires the assumption that the supply chain is working so well that they will maintain this level of stretch indefinitely.

You do understand that the blogger who conveys all the right information is respected, but not frequented.

“I quit my job on the spot and fucked off from the middle of nowhere. Thanks Uber!”

I wonder what great deal I'll get when this crashes back down?

I didn’t know too much about him when I watched an interview during the release of Age Of Ultron. He was just a name I was aware of. Made some things I enjoyed.

...I just never quite got how his shows became this ur example for “strong female character”.

The websites states that the test will arrive in 7-12 days. Completely useless for someone currently experiencing symptoms.

Give this argument a rest.


A boat anchor bike like that will keep you in shape.

Attack this from a different angle.