
 My favorite part is the trumpet player in the background just casually pulling out on the drop zone.

 NASCAR won’t let me in any of their venues either. Also piss related.

A fresh pair of New Balances. 

The want is strong. I would source the same wheels but in a smaller diameter.

Regular sized teeth in a sputnik head.

I know I don’t. I keep a low profile everywhere I go.

Hairdresser’s car.

I bring my own. I also go to the library with a bullhorn. 

It’ll be an AIRBNB in a Tokyo alley next week.

I had a steak that was as tough as a tire. I dont remember if it was a starred restaurant. 

Buy an iQ and find a way.

He is too broken to ever be happy (also too broken to ever admit that (to himself, mostly.))

Buy it and VTEC, yo.

Hose it out. Good as new.

You cannot let your henchmen just die all willy nilly. The pawns maybe, but quality lieutenants don’t just grow on trees.

Dont worry.

Buy it and drive it anywhere you like. Something the Roxor cannot do.

Get this. Play rancher to your heart’s content. Then drive it (on public roads) to Tractor Supply. Blow the money you saved on flannel and denim and up your playing rancher game to eleven.

Possibly outdated opinion here. I got out more than 15 years ago.

I got out as a CTI3 after the first round of stop-loss. Spent my post school enlistment at Fort Gordon, GA. It is a small community and I bet we knew some of the same people.