
[typing with one hand]

If he had access to humanity he would have never been CEO in the first place.

Looks like someone stuck out their tongue and put wheels on it.

The Atari of electric vehicles. 

Self defense, including deadly force, has always been legal. These bills are racist horseshit and you know it.

I wasn’t commenting on legislation...

If you have to alter the quote, it isn’t a quote.

I like sitting on the tire to work under the hood bonnet.

Have you considered being smaller? Remember to feed your children less so that don’t grow up to a limited car selection.

In what world is hitting someone with your car ever OK?

Yeah...that’s not correct. At all.

My dog went beanless. He had to wear a cone.

Along with a Ken Burns style documentary interviewing Dirty Mike et al.

Article is a strong word for things written by Barsanti.

FX cancelled a Hulu show!

My horse has a drinking problem. It is a DUI nightmare.

I would love to see this but don’t have access to cable channels.

Dont let the charming, dancing robot dog videos fool you. These things were conceived of from the beginning to travel to exotic places, meet interesting people and kill them.

Terrified is a strong word. I was just surprised, okay?

I bet vegans are delicious. The rest of us taste like crow.