gdi forgetful burner

With his determination, probably a better place than you.

Hopefully everyone understands that this is the exception and not the rule.

I didn’t think Bill O’Riley would ever get canned, so maybe there’s hope for Sony dumping Dr. Like!

A brief word for my main man, Jeff Sesh:

Am waiting for Sessions’ pronouncement: It is unbelievable that a judge in a small city on the Pacific Ocean has the right to block a presidential executive order.

cue Jeff Sesh “some judge on a bay in the Pacific”

Look at the laughably predictable recenter and shift in the comments. As a PR person, this is textbook self-soothing. When something isn’t about you or isn’t comfortable to you, you never address the *real* issue, but instead you ask yourself another question and answer that one. This discussion is in no way about

the blame is always obvious except when it’s you.

The thought of someone raping Little Miss Sunshine is giving me the worst cross of murderous rage and horrific sadness. Take care sweet Abagail.

1. Not a bad apology. Now they need to make good

I knew how hurt my family and friends would be after finding out and I didn’t want to put them through that.

wait so you’re mad at young people moving to liberal cities where there are jobs, activities, people, art, and human decency?

Even Illinois had a republican senator last year. No vote is a waste and we really need to come up with better ways to win elections than sending highly trained biologists and mathematicians to Youngstown where there is literally nothing for them to do.

Wait… Are they building a wall around our dicks now? I mean, I know that some of those dicks are brown dicks, but come on.

Trump’s response will essentially be this:

i was drunk on saturday and some girl was complaining that she was gonna die alone and that her ovaries are dying (she’s 24, i am almost 31) and i yelled “ONE, don’t come at an older woman and worry about not being able to produce children and TWO the president you voted for is gonna get us all fuckin nuked by tuesday


I haven’t even read the full article; I’m just lol-ing forever at the Wario nose and mustache.