gdi forgetful burner

I’m still ashamed of myself that I did NOT realize the non-subtle twist that Gaiman was performing with Low Key Lyesmith in the novel. It’s not like he was trying to hide it.

I hate that even though I have Amazon Prime I am still going to have to torrent this, but if you are going to Captialize I am going to Grey Market it.

Jesus I’m excited for this. From casting to trailers I’d agree with Mr. Jones and say “That shit is off the chain.”


Because even the most cursory research into this would have shown what a scam it had to be from the start. Anyone who has been to Exuma or researched a trip to there would know that there’s no way the island could support an event of this scale. The airport is essentially 2 rooms and gets a few flights in and out per

It’s the sad ball pit of overpriced music festivals for douchebag trustfundarian glampers. They should have realized something was wrong when Blink 182 was the headliner.

So many conflicting impulses.
On the one hand, taking people’s money and failing to deliver on specific promises is fraud.

On the other hand, “There were no villas” is the sort of complaint that I can only laugh aloud at.

Anyway, lawyer up and sue the bastards and maybe get your money back many years from now.

There is an entire section of this article that addresses why that is not a clean solution.

That’s really the best part about this thing. It really couldn’t have happened to a better group of people. And since none of them seem to be in any really danger I am cackling like a witch while I sit at work.

I have these weird feeling that the people that went there deserved it... I really dont know why...

easily appreciated schadenfreude.

this is going well so far

I actually have a bigger worry: Has he even bothered to READ what’s in them? I’m 99.7 percent sure he hasn’t read more than the first couple of lines before zoning out and just scribbling his childish scrawl of a signature.

This is my impression.

“To talk him out of doing crazy things.”

If I was American, I’d be calling to report that ICE was asking for my documents outside a courthouse.

Ok, found the names!

The 426th day of 2017 would be March 1, 2018: Justin Beiber’s birthday.

Alien day being on 4/26 is goddamn stupid. It should fall on the 426th day of the year, dummies.

Y’know, I was reading the stories about the prank calls and kind of chuckled. After reading this response, I feel like I have no choice but to join in... I mean, it’s not like you get many of these easy-to-perform and highly effective methods of pissing off ICE officials.