gdi forgetful burner

“There was I was aware of Mr. Wednesday, so it never occurred to me that it was spoileriffic because the book’s called American Gods.” an executive producer on American Gods and whose last project was Hannibal, another adaptation and update of a book.

I had to change phone numbers several years back and ended up with the old number of some chick names Alana who never told anyone she’d changed numbers. I’d get calls from friends, voicemails from family members, included in family holiday group texts, everything. My favorite was a text I got a good year or so after

Oh, fuck off, Caitlyn.

It took me a good fifteen seconds to remember who the fuck Linciln Chaffee was.

Wait, seriously? I’ve been hearing a lot about the show, but the above combined with my general disinterest has kept it off my to-watch list. Not including an actual discussion of mental health in SOME capacity is goddamn irresponsible and lazy writing.

Ugh, I wanted to love They’re Real so much, but like you said, it was so damn clumpy. I had a similar issue with the same liner, so goddamn difficult to apply.

I got a sample of this once and looooooved it. Thank you for reminding me that I need to snag some again!

Also, can we talk about the fact that OBAMA ALREADY DID THIS??? Trump isn’t “proclaiming” anything; he’s restating a fact.

Jesus Christ, I fucking hate this entire family.

Thank youuuu. I know so many (white men) shitting themselves over his performance and the movie as a whole, and I cannot. Oscar bait yawn fest that no one will remember come next year.

So how happy would this shitstain be if I punched him straight in the throat?

You are doing the Lord’s work..

Thank you for providing that. Sending this fucker a letter ASAP.

Whomever Spicer’s makeup artist is, they’re either very bad or very good.

The only job I ever no-called, no-showed was this godawful coffee shop I worked for in NYC. Privately owned place, the owners were dicks, one of them had been cutting time off employee’s paychecks so we were paid only our scheduled hours, not how long we actually worked (which was frequently thirty minutes to an

This is GLORIOUS, thank you for sharing.

You are doing the lord’s work.

Because, as narcissistic as he is, I think he’s still somewhat aware that Obama is so much more well-liked than he is. He just can’t figure out why.

The thing that gets me most about this is his trying to pretend this is at all about “OH NOES, PROTECT THE WIMMIN AND CHILDREN!!!” when it’s just him wanting to find a way to force his moral code on others and punish those who won’t agree. We know you don’t give a shit about actual women, sweetie, run along now.

Do NOT go see Manchester, unless you want an overly-long, bland ode to sad white man feelings. SO goddamn boring.