gdi forgetful burner

As a veteran of the Iraq debacle I would like to add fuck Lee Greenwood and that fucking song.

So, on the subject of FOIAs, who wants to do a FOIA on the process of getting rights to use that song?

They...they found him not guilty? I...I can’t deal with society any more.

“The movie features  Lee Greenwood’s classic kitsch, ‘I’m Proud To Be an American’”

I once got a text saying, “Amy, we’re meeting tonight at the bar.” I responded with, “Sorry, you have the wrong number.” the person said, “This is the number Amy gave me.” I said, “Amy’s a dirty goddamned liar.” the response back was just, “lol :) Thank, sorry.” I said, “It’s okay, I hope you find your missing friend.”

Enough of your teachings, Buddha, I’m almost on level six in this sweet meditation app! In your stupid game I was just stuck in level samsara the whole time!

creepypasta gets more elaborate every day....

Revenge is extra-legal. Justice is not. Making a rapist suffer as long as the survivor suffers is justice.

Oh, I got that loud and clear. Rapists are always more important than survivors—as the saying goes, rapists have a future and victims have a past. There is no such thing as restorative justice for sexual assault and they so rarely get punished anyway.

And for that to happen, someone else has to get raped. I wouldn’t wish that hell on my worst enemy so that a rapist gets to live a freer, happier life than his victim does for any amount of time.

THIS, FUCKING THIS. Especially the part about sentencing. The guy who attacked me got one year, suspended to 6. Then was let out early afternoon 4 months. First time offender. I always feel bad for complaining because so few rarely get convicted and serve jail time. However, 4 months? REALLY? The person who I was died

I don’t believe in the death penalty, but I think a rape conviction should carry a life sentence. If we gave up the stupid and pointless war on drugs, we could do that. We could even offer therapy to people before they offend. But once someone does it, then fuck them. They have forfeited their right to live in

And those who get assaulted when they reoffend, what, just fuck them? I think my right to not be raped outweighs a rapist’s (and like, one in a thousand even go to court) right to be free.

Also, so the fuck what? If my uncle or cousin rapes me, then everyone else he comes in contact with should know that he’s a rapist so they can protect themselves appropriately.

Because those people are all far less likely to reoffend than rapists and molesters are. I believe men who molest/rape boys have the highest recidivism rates, at about a third, and about a quarter of men who rape women reoffend. Only about 1 in 100 murderers commit another murder.

They will always be rapists, I don’t think they can be rehabilitated because then they’d have to see women as people, and they fundamentally do not. You can’t teach someone empathy.

That’s a nose that just cannot wait to be smashed with an elbow and changed forever.

Actual Owen Labrie picture below. Not a pic of a palatable tv nerd.

“Just follow the laws and don’t get arrested and accept the consequences when you do get caught breaking the law” -Rich White Men

“Well I think it’s unfair. Throw more money at it to go away. This is going to ruin my future. Please give me some leniency” - also Rich White Men

Yes. It wasn’t enough to lure and then rape her. They really should have gone a lot further in damaging her credibility. What a stellar specimen of the human race.