gdi forgetful burner

I haven’t watched the show, so I can’t specifically comment on its depiction of the character’s suicide. I didn’t even realize the series was built around her as the protagonist; I sort of assumed she was a Laura Palmer type of character that the audience never really knows. I don’t think you can take it at face value

Not when you see her parents trying to drag her dead body out of the water it isn’t.

My problem with the show is the fact that it never once discusses mental health.

I mean, what’s irresponsible (and what people are mad about) is less the bare fact that you depicted the act of suicide, and more that you depicted the act of suicide as a glamorous, romanticized event and portrayed it as effective revenge against the people “at fault” for her death.

“This response was actually quite surprising to me.”

Honestly it sounds really good, the closest starbucks to me is 44 miles away and i have no car. Ive been vapeing a mango/peach thing that is supposed to be like the snapple peach mango remix flavor so mango has sort of been on my mind.

We thought about paying to split one at work until we read it tasted like sour birthday cake and shame. take from that what you will.

There’s no coffee in this drink. It’s a sugar and fruit and cream monstrosity.

From what I am getting from this.

Ooh, great, yet another Aggrieved White Male with anger management issues and zero control over his emotions. Yeah, we totally need more of THOSE in power.

I don’t know if this is just an NYC thing, but I’ve noticed a lot of people using that word as slang who shouldn’t be using it. Mostly a certain type of younger male.

“I am not a racist.”

Conflicted about this — on the one hand agree with you. But I also think ’shipping is a harmless/often positive outlet for queer kids to ‘see themselves’ in movies/shows when LGBTQ relationships are still incredibly underrepresented.

Yeah - ship all you want, anything you want, but leave the poor actors out of it. I mean I know the SPN dudes tend to be pretty good natured but it has to be a pain.

“Shipping” as a term has been around since like the 90s at least, and people were doing it as far back as original Star Trek...

I mean, your description is the extreme version of shipping. It’s literally just, like, saying you think two characters should be a couple. Which is not unheard of or unusual when people are into a show.

The people who were angry about the whole Beronica kiss thing on the show weren’t angry because straight actors were playing LGBT characters. Rather they were angry that instead of featuring a moment that showed Betty and Veronica sharing an honest possibly-LGBT moment, the two characters only kissed to “shock”

I just always find it so weird when people bring up their ships to the casts of shows, it ends up so awkward. I think it makes more sense here because the conversation was more about queer visibility and the use of faux-lesbianism as a way to entertain straight guys, but in general, please stop bringing up your ships

Related/unrelated: I’ve said this many times… But I have no clue why people want to be famous. Seems like a fucking hassle.