Ghiradelli's Dark Chocolate with Roasted Almonds and Sea Salt

Idiotic comment if for no other reason that if we had lost the Revolutionary War and stayed a British colony, slavery would have been abolished 31 years earlier. America stays and fights for a lot of things, but not all of those fights are prudent or lead to moral outcomes.

Britain outlawed slavery-in 1833.

But don’t you know that men are statistically just as likely to experience domestic violence but also lets ignore the fact that when you actually break those stats down men get stalked and verbally abused while women get raped, beaten, set on fire, and have their children murdered but it’s definitely totally the same

If you are thinking of executing a murder/suicide, just reverse the order. I promise it will still work.

Damn! I love it when they lay the smack down. Once, out at the range, a visiting officer commented on how there were "so many women out here." There were exactly four of us. We pretty much just rolled our eyes and were like "Yes, sir."

The lack of organizing has been the death of the Sanders campaign. They put all their money into huge rallies, TV ads, and internet presence. They trained no one. His supporters do not understand the process, so they’re all ready to believe whatever ridiculous conspiracy theory or imaginary delegate math scenarios

My problem with things like this is always the questions: “Who is the target of your message here?”

Me too with the crying face. And the crying easily. Once I cried when the Madonna song (“This Used to be My Playground”) came on the radio.

That’s very cool!

For the billionth time, fucking fuck you John McCain for unleashing this beast onto the lower 48.

Allen’s presumption is that only women are oppressed, and that Democrats need to appeal to the non-oppressed. Of the 30% of this nation who are both white and male, you’ll still find that many of them live in poverty and oppression and would be benefited by social democratic ideals as they are. So maybe what Allen is

Given that by merely existing as woman is tantamount to playing the Woman Card, an invalid and taboo political strategy (as opposed to playing the Man Offended By The Woman Card Card, Trump’s current strategy), the only potential candidate who is not so ostentatiously female as Hillary Clinton is SNL’s Pat.

are we starting to rev up the feminist support of Clinton? BECAUSE IVE BEEN HERE WAITING!!!!!!

As a female that resides in Alabama, this really infuriates me. This will only make way for more back-alley abortions or children ending up in our already overrun foster care system. We have so many kids in foster care that there are signs on local highways practically begging for foster parents.

Well I, for one, am just so glad someone has finally addressed this scourge. I certainly don’t want abortionists skulking around my kids’ school, trying to get them to try abortions. “Just one time, for free,” they say. That’s how they hook you. Pretty soon you’re getting two, three abortions a day. Don’t get addicted

1) Transformed healthcare with kids through CHIP which was the main inspiration for Obamacare which she helped to write and make law. That’s why people say Hillarycare instead of Obamacare sometimes.

Good ridance, you terrible person. You were absolutely shit as the head of HP. You forced children to take part in your anti-choice propoganda, kids who just happened to be at the same museum you were but there for a field trip that had nothing to do with your farce of a presidential campaign.


I can’t wait to see the Republican National Convention if Trump wins outright. It’s either going to be incredibly awkward or a production worthy of Leni Riefenstahl.

*I* wanted to hug them and I was sitting across from them! They were legitimately so upset. It was unreal. Restored my faith in humanity. And bros.