This was an incredible article. These are the things I return to this website for, thank you
This was an incredible article. These are the things I return to this website for, thank you
To be honest I don’t know if Warren would accept the nomination if she was asked, I think when she eventually runs with the intent of being in the White House she will go straight for (and win) the Presidency. That being said, I would love to see them on a ticket together.
Fivethirtyeight understands it. Bernie’s doing well where everyone is white, but Democratic voters don’t actually look like Bernie’s coalition, they look like Hillary’s. Not to mention that she’s winning the swing states.
So superdelegates should ignore the part where Clinton is ahead by 2.5 million votes in the popular vote (more now, what with New York and all) as well as in pledged delegates and do what you want because... well. Because you want them to, basically? That makes a ton of sense. So much for all of that talk about “the…
Standing ovation. I am so sick of this “Hillary is basically Reagan in a wig!” shit. She’s voted with Bernie 93% percent of the time. She seems to truly prioritize women’s access to reproductive healthcare, which is basically my #1 issue when voting. Hell, she actively blocked the nomination of an FDA head over OTC…
Well, since you work for PP you are part of the establishment and therefore your opinions/endorsements don’t count.
Cool thing of note. Paul Song’s wife is Lisa Ling. Lisa Ling’s sister was once kidnapped by North Korea. And you know who traveled to NK to secure her release? Bill fucking Clinton. Yep, the husband of the woman he just called a whore.
What kind of normal human being even whips out the word “whores” to use, unless they have some bizarre sexist way that they view a very real problem in government? It’s not a common word. It shouldn’t leap to mind for anyone, except those who conflate sexuality with corruption on a very core level. It’s not even…
Oh okay see, I was actually really annoyed by his comment but can tell from your tone that I’m being an over-sensitive harpy bitch who is mos def. not cool like our Lord and Savior Bernie Sanders.
but the peer pressure angle is so excellent! I mean how do we stop Swiper from swiping? WE ALL CHANT AT HIM. how do we make the map come out? We yell at him until he comes out! Dora is aaaalll about peer pressuring. shes like the girl at the party who keeps refilling all your drinks because you aren’t a pussy like…
Ted Cruz is pro-small government and pro-business unless you’re selling something icky that touches a female’s no-no space.
Loving (i.e. hating-actually-but-in-a-resigned-and-bitter-way) consistency with which morally bankrupt people pursue imaginary crimes to boost their non-existent ethical credentials.
What about the joys of sneezing on your period? Or standing up after a long period of sitting and feeling ***the gush***
My sister likes to remind me that in high school, when I would get my period I’d be in so much pain that I would scream at her to just kill me. I don’t blink when getting waxed, needles, etc. don’t even make me nervous. But there have been many times when my cramps were so painful that I passed out.
And good luck if you have a cold while on your period. You know what happens when you cough or sneeze too hard. :(
This x 10000000. I am OVER when someone talks to me about any election and I tell them my chief concern is reproductive issues (and family social support issues). They like to belittle women who say this as one-issue voters, but for many of us, it is everything.
Not only are repro rights inextricably linked to econmic issues, for me it feels like the most pressing issue. I know we haven’t passed the ERA and we still have huge issues with equal pay, but I don’t think any major party could make “paying women less” an integral part of their platform and get away with it. They…
The simple number of practically victory dances at the pharmacy when most BC was dropped to $0 should be proof enough. At one point I was coughing up $90/month. Without legislation making it free, my IUD would have cost me some absurd amount of money. Instead I can use that money to pay rent or buy something or save…
So much this! Plus, it makes me mad when they say that we shouldn't make reproductive rights such a focal point and should be able to look past that difference to the rest of the platform, because abortion isn't that important. Well, if abortion isn't that important, why can't they drop it?