Ghiradelli's Dark Chocolate with Roasted Almonds and Sea Salt

Yeah, my dad claims Travolta winked at him on a Pebble Beach golf course. This would have been 86/87. He wasn’t twinky at all, either.

I’m in Alabama, so the opposite, and I am getting really close to confronting my third party friends, too.

Um, I told my husband yesterday that I seriously think I need to get on anti-anxiety medication. I don’t know if I can take much more.


Even as The Dude I find Jeff Bridges so, so sexy. this an end or a rebirth of the Fourth Estate?

Exactly. I don’t know if she regrets it—but I wouldn’t be surprised if she does. And I should add that it was a mutual friend who told me she wasn’t a Trump fan several months ago after he really started doubling down on the racism.

Well, that rally had 40,000 people at it, which is almost a tenth of the population of the city and county of Mobile. I know a lot of people who went for a variety of reasons: to show people running for office that Mobile is worth a campaign stop, to see a TV celebrity, to hear what he had to say, etc. I don’t know

Oh my God, that picture again. The woman in it is an acquaintance of mine and I don’t think she’s a Trump supporter now.

Ha! No, I saw 23 a long time. Just read the numbers wrong. :)

So I bought two one Saturday and forgot they were in a bag with all the stuff for my kids’ birthday party, which was outside, and I live in south Alabama. They both melted and are all discolored...and I am still eating them.

Trust me, it’s hard to stop at one bite.

Oh, me too! I think I suffered from legit PPD and possibly PTSD (HELLP Syndrome related) when my first was young, so when I got unintentionally pregnant with my second I got really into AP. And while my first was fully vaccinated I was much more selective with my second, based on all the doubt raised by the Sears and

See, this is why I don’t blog or share a lot on Facebook. Because, really, who the fuck cares? You’re a 23 year old virgin and happy about it? Yay! You’re a 23 year old who is unmarried and enjoys consensual fucking? Yay! Why should I care either way?

Yep. I was so, so lucky to get my position and I honestly think it’s because my organization isn’t well known and no one else qualified applied. But that gap hurts me; I graduated college 13 years ago and have some relevant years on my resume, plus a graduate degree integral to my position, but since my organization

Hahahaha! As a resident of Alabama (NOT a native), I totally get this.

Totally texting this to my kids’ babysitter who just started at Ole Miss. Man, this is a long way from when my roommate and I thought we were hot shit because we put our beds on concrete blocks...

You apparently can get a license in Mobile, but our probate judge (who was on the suit with Moore, I believe) won’t perform any weddings.

Me too! Mobile?