Ghiradelli's Dark Chocolate with Roasted Almonds and Sea Salt

Soo, Alabama resident here. Ambrosia, you have my vote (just please be pro-choice or I’ll feel really pissed I’m voting for you even though I’m positive your opponent would be a million times worse).

Only if i can respond in kind!

I’m in lower Alabama, too! But I’ve never, ever had good Mexican, so I don’t know that I’d recognize it. :)

Jeez, I’m unfun. Mine were at my mom’s for 3 days and all we did was paint the kitchen. I did finish up Season 2 of Madame Secretary, though...

That dead line is TOTALLY stolen from Michelle Pfeiffer, circa Grease 2: “Johnny just doesn’t know that when you’re dead lie down.”

I am so with you. I saw a sticker the other day that said “Monica’s boyfriend’s wife for President 2016" and the driver was a woman. It takes a special kind of misogyny to use a spouse’s fidelity against someone.

My guess is to appease Republicans and get it funded without *much* fuss.

Days like Monday provide a lot of satisfaction and happiness. :)

No, not entirely. The Hyde Amendment prohibits the use of public funding for abortions except in cases of rape/incest and life of the mother, but that’s for the abortions themselves. And Title X mandates non-directive counseling for pregnancy options, including abortion. The language used for the Americorps funding

What was really blindsiding was the fact that Americorps funding prohibited any kind of abortion work, including referrals. It had a lot of us in the field scrambling to see if other grants had the same restrictions.

I’m glad I didn’t hear them. That kind of stuff puts me into a rage, too. The Jane women in Chicago performed abortions without medical supervision or formal training and had reportedly very low complication rates. My husband’s vasectomy took place in a room the size of a large closet and that actually involves

Oh, I’m sure there are people who are dumb enough to believe the laws protected women. My sister lives in Dallas and she called me yesterday to yell about the people being interviewed on NPR that morning because they were all parroting those lines.

I can barely control my tears for them.

Amy Hagstrom-Miller of WWH has said that they don’t even expect all of the closed ones to open because they’ve given up the leases, providers have moved, etc. :( We’ll see. Everyone’s now waiting to see how it will all shake out.

My understanding (not a lawyer, but I work in repro health and participate in coalition calls) is that clinics that have closed due to TRAP laws being enforced (LA is the only one I can think of at this time, although AL clinics had to make huge, costly adjustments for the ASC requirement, but our privilege component

And no WWH. So I get to repeat my yoga breathing in an attempt to calm myself all over again on Monday.

Yep (Alabama here).

Vote for Vivian Figures until she stops running against him.

Yeah, when I called both of mine I said “I realize asking the senator to vote in favor of these bills is pointless, but...”

I called my senators (both Rs, one of whom gets a ton from the NRA) and told them I supported the filibuster. Then I started calling all the senators’ offices who are supporting the filibuster to thank them.