Ghiradelli's Dark Chocolate with Roasted Almonds and Sea Salt

My FIL once said something about Obama taking away guns to my husband. As far as we know my FIL only owns a handgun, but I guess Obama is going for those, too? My husband didn’t find out if Obama himself would be going door to door or if he’d send someone else.

Saw something yesterday saying they’d directed supporters in the US to take advantage our absolutely insane gun laws.

Hmmm. I don’t know; it seems like they’d want to rule out the virus’s presence in pre-ejaculate before they call an alarm about oral sex. Intercourse without a condom or ejaculation doesn’t rule out the presence of pre-ejaculate and that’s been known to spread viruses.…

But guuuys, they were like, so generous. They’re allowing women who live further than 150 miles from the clinic to not have to wait that long (unless that was amended out; I haven’t checked the text in a few weeks). Also, if I’m remembering correctly, the bill was proposed by a Democrat who is a woman.

Those who want to make it unavailable see the boxes as the alternative, and thus access isn’t important. Because they think like 8 year olds.

I haven’t seen anything for sure yet, but I’m pretty sure ACLU said they’d fight both if they passed. Fucking moron state legislators wasting money and time while they’re CUTTING Medicaid. I hate this state.

WHO CARES? You know what fetal parts get us? Vaccines, strides in research, cures for diseases. As far as I’m concerned, PP et al can sell them for whatever they want. Their purpose is that valuable.

The whole comment just pisses me the fuck off. I’m the first to admit that I’m a single issue voter. I will vote for a Democratic whore over a Republican dead set on rolling back my reproductive rights all day and night. Fuck his male privilege to be able to prioritize ideals and not reality.

Damn, poor Anthony Fauci still having to beg money from Congress for public health. Deja vu back to...1983?

I don’t even have the words. I want to marry this gif. Go Dawgs.

Yes! My old boss provided the funding for that. :)

SE Cupp interviewed Carly Fiorina for Glamour and in it she added an editorial about how she wished women cared about tax/fiscal issues as they did about reproductive health issues. That right there was proof enough that Republican women do. not. get. it. For so, so many people reproductive health issues ARE fiscal

There’s a discussion about this on the Slate podcast on Whole Woman’s Health versus Hellerstedt. The idea is that antis don’t win in the courts when they focus on fetal rights/pitting the woman against the fetus. But with the undue burden test established in Casey antis took up the tactic of making access impossible

I am so sorry. What a horrible person.

Yes! Thank you! My husband came in and told me he’d just read it on Twitter (I work in repro health, so this all interests me) and my reaction was the same. Those hypocrites want to call it murder and then be all “oh, but the people getting them shouldn’t be punished [for MURDERING]” because they know it’s an extreme

If the laws explicitly say that physicians must follow FDA guidelines then it’s fine. These are the guidelines now.

Kagan made that point during the Hellerstedt argument. Keller couldn’t name any other medication that was regulated by the state to the point where the patient had to take it in a clinic.

The fuckers actually exempted abortions for conditions incompatible with life from this requirement. So it’s really only about punishing the woman by creating a greater expense and the possibility for more complications.

My first pregnancy ended in miscarriage due to triploidy. My spouse and I discussed right from the first that we’d terminate if it happened again (and spouse is a clergyperson, FWIW—though I do work in repro health).

I had this conversation two weeks ago with a very prominent public health researcher. States are making it harder and harder to get abortions while we have a projection that Zika will be widespread by summer (I, for one, live in a city that’s a red dot on the NIH’s map of distribution). Needless to say, there’s a huge