Ghiradelli's Dark Chocolate with Roasted Almonds and Sea Salt

BECAUSE PEOPLE DON’T VOTE IN THEIR LOCAL AND STATE ELECTIONS. Sorry to yell, but it is so frustrating. People come out to vote for the president, but in spite of being the most powerful position on the planet, the President does not control everything. Local and state politics matter just as much, sometimes more. Two

Cut Mike Pence some slack, guys! He really cares about children and poor struggling mothers... OH WAIT he also cut SNAP funding and is a giant gaping butt hole of evil. Cary on.

True, although McCain was always a guy I was generally OK with. Yes, in 2008 he said some truly abominable shit and I am still angry at him for unleashing Sarah Palin from the wilds of Alaska, but. In 2000, he would have been a fantastic candidate. Sadly the Karl Rove rumor machine killed his chances with racism in

This year’s Republicans are one of the reasons ballots need a none of the above setting.

“the dipshit GA senator (FEMALE) who is trying to get rid of rape kits as evidence”

I wasn’t aware that Mobile County doesn’t prosecute. That info could have saved me some sleepless nights. I actually skipped my doctor’s appointment when they wanted to give me a drug test and they thankfully never brought it up again.

Mobile here. My biggest fear when I was pregnant was that I’d test positive for THC and they’d take my baby. I know they created the law with crystal meth in mind, but they’ve abused it too much to be trusted. God only knows what whackadoo laws they’ll come up with in the next few years to make abortions impossible,

Gay conservative men are the WORST when it comes to abortion. They have all the self-righteousness of the religious right, untempered by personal experience with pregnancy, childbirth, or women in general.

The huge cultural and demographic shift that is going on in the country is concentrated in a battleground state.

He is a hardline conservative on most issues who is certainly more in favor of boots-on-the-ground interventionism than the mainstream, but he’s not a “shut down the government” guy, nor is he a bigot or a cretin. Yes, he holds Republican party line positions on every issue, and no, I don’t agree with any of them. But

I abhor Lindsey Graham’s politics, but if I ran into him at a party and didn’t know who he was, I would find him to be totally delightful and would probably talk to him all night.

Lindsey Graham, you self-aware son of a bitch. You are growing on me. I still kinda hate you though. Very mixed feelings right now.

Thank goodness for this law.

A few things that aren’t mentioned here. First, there’s a good chance this bill violates Title IX and may threaten federal funding for NC’s vaunted public university system. Since we have already been cutting state funding, this could pose a serious problem going forward; it could also help undermine the bill too, so

Mitt Romney lost the 2012 election because he was a bad candidate, and ran a bad campaign against a relatively good sitting president.

Does anyone else think that nun actually looks like Mitch McConnell in disguise?

Other than hatred? Visceral revulsion is all I got.

I’m shocked. So shocked.