
I’ve never been to a baby shower, but a practical item from the registry and a toy from somewhere else sounds perfect to me! Baby toys are a gift category that (I would think) most people would love to get something surprising that they might not have discovered on their own.

Yes, OMG. I’ve never understood why people require a receipt of your gratitude after you’ve thanked them in person. It’s such a stupid concept.

Y’ALL!!! RHONY is back next week!

WELL. I bawt these plaaaaayyynes, and then I filled them with Ramona pinot grijjio, becaws I don’t drink other people’s woooiiiiines, and then I, ya know, got a little botox in my arrrrrm pits, becaws - this is so embarrassing - I SWEAT a lot thair, ya know? And then I just like, bawt a new bathing suit and got a

It’s worth a watch, if you’re playing 4 suit spider solitaire in a separate window. It’s definitely “of a time” and, as such, a cultural touchstone not to be missed as you’re paying half attention to your game.

Yes this is normal. My theory is that when we’re all young, we’re leaving our very okay living places in order to join up with other people in our age range who tend to gather in groups. When we’re young our living spaces may include roommates, or parents, or undesirable apartments with troublesome features. Also,

Everyone. Even my husband.

Do you eat pork? If you do, make this:

Ugh, hope this is just a cold I’m fighting and not the flu. But on a happier note, the floor is laid and we’re getting the furniture back into place!

I got these mini makeup sponges at Walgreens that I really like. I only wear under I concealer and they are the perfect size. I know it not a product necessarily but I got my forehead Botox redone which is the thing that makes me feel best.

I have seen some significant improvement with DE’s C-Firma. I love it and am curious about their new product, Protini. The Lala moisturizer is too heavy for me.

Thanks! It was like $12 at Francesca’s, haha. I love me some cheap-ass costume jewelry.

Plausible ways a Crock Pot could result in a human death:

Franco is so greasy looking, he probably just slid off the page.

I want more scenes of James explaining messy happenings to Lisa.

There is no vegetable that is not improved by roasting with olive oil and garlic. Fact.

Baked ziti freezes really well!

The Root ran a laudatory article about the Young Patriots Organization and Redneck Revolt, two organizations whose white memberships vow to take up armed resistance against racist systems. I responded with several links about Dave Strano, one of the co-founders of Redneck Revolt, who has left a string of sexual

Yea, I definitely wouldn’t go back there. How is a hunk of meat a special?