
Timeless is awesome and very affordable. 

As others stated, both Vanderpump Rules and Real Housewives of NY are awesome.

I wish! This year was my first foray into growing veggies (have had decent success with herbs before) and our poor tomato plant has struggled. But I have 4 green tomatoes and can’t wait til they ripen!

Not me personally, but my best friend is moving to Seattle in July for a wonderful job opportunity at a time when she feels her life needs a refresh. I and her other closest friend recently had babies, to whom she is a wonderful aunt, and she has a niece and nephews of new own and family, and the change of pace and

I took my husband’s name because I am a first generation immigrant and while I grew up mostly in the US, my (full) name is very much tied to my home country and I got sick of it being butchered and having to explain where I’m from and why I don’t have an accent. Having an American, generic, easy to pronounce last name

I just had my first and there are so many things that babies need, but one of my favorites is a Boppy feeding pillow. The baby rests on it so the parent doesn’t haven’t to use arm strength to hold while feeding or hunch over, which was invaluable in the first few weeks when it seems like baby is eating all day and

I had my first five months ago and had a pretty big registry of things we thought we would need based on friends’ advice and books/online. We got all of the big ticket items plus a lot of sweet off-registry gifts like clothes, toys, and books we wouldn’t have bought ourselves but love. I think that’s a great idea, and

My mother in law is super into thank you notes for everything, and my husband and I just are not. She brought over a lasagna and salad her friend had made for us after our baby came late last year, and when I asked she pass in thanks to the friend, she insisted we send her a thank you note. We did is begrudgingly, but

Mine too! Luckily it’s actually the norm to take it at his company - they have a very work hard, play hard type culture that encourages taking vacation time, etc and generally is good to employees while expecting a lot from them. My former company touted being “family friendly” because they have some employees who

“High Tide or Low Tide” by Bob Marley. Kind of cheesy, but it’s been “our song” since college.

Just used up my Babies R Us registry credit this week. Our local store was bare, but I was able to order some things to stock up online. Glad I remembered!

What do you mean by almost acne? Is it like a pimple that won’t come to a head? Or a patch of red bumps? Does it sting when you use any of your products there or feel otherwise sensitive? Is it rough?

Me too. 3.5 months or so and I look at least 5 months pregnant still. Working out can wait till I can actually sleep.

Love the Queen Mary, excellent for shenanigans, and also love NYC -you will have a great time! Wear comfortable shoes and you will love it. Good vibes to you Zellie!

Prices are insane in LA. We bought last June since we had a baby on the way and ended up in my hometown deeeeeeeep in the South Bay (by the port) which was pretty much the only place we could afford, despite both working in West LA. And now, even this area has prices creeping way up. My husband has an hour and a half

I love slow cooker Kalua pork! I recently made slow cooker carnitas that we’re very good (finished under the broiler for the crispy bits). I cut off too much of the fat and some pieces were dry but it was very good overall, would make again for sure.

It definitely does, and will be so worth it! About two months back on it (now using every other night, started every third night) I only get mild flaking around my nose and mouth maybe once a week after the initial flake-fest.

I purged like crazy after I went back on Retin-A after my pregnancy. A light exfoliation with a washcloth helps with the flakes a lot, along with moisturizing like crazy of course.

I LOVE Drunk elephant and wish it wasn’t so pricy! The Babyfacial acid peel is amazing, makes my skin so soft and is helping fade some acne scars and other blotchiness. I’ve hear different veryy good things about C Firma though I have not yet tried it myself.

I bought 3 products from The Ordinary about two months ago (plus 2 for my mom so I could get free shipping) and so far I’m only loving one, the Squalane oil. Super moisturizing and absorbs well! The hyluaronic acid pills terribly no matter how I apply it, and the Vitamic C suspension is super gritty. But I don’t feel