
Thank you! Yes I can’t wait to walk and eat and eat and walk. I’m surprised April is wet? Maybe May is better but I don't want to risk getting an early hot and heavy summer. My Celtic sensibilities wouldn't handle it! It was June when I was there previously and I remember it being hot but not unbearable.

Maybe she has a zit

Ava DuVernay is a UCLA Bruin. She does my school proud.


I expect a four-page spread on how to do your own cased opening.

Ooo can you tell me how you like that IPA? I like an IPAS so hoppy it makes my teeth hurt. Also I’m at a bar commenting on Jezebel in a corner haha yay for me.

I had one of those a week ago! They are the worst, especially during allergy season. My skin has been so go lately but, of course, right before I’m heading on what will be a heavily-photographed vacation I get a bunch of random zits all over. Still have almost a weak to clear them up, but will have to be vigilant.

Thanks for helping these women. Your support has already made a huge difference.

The work you do is amazing and important, i’m sending all of the positive vibes and internet commenter support I can muster.

Im appalled you didn’t include Dustin Brown on your list.

Ugh...the moment Boston flipped Jones back to the Pacific, I knew the Kings had done screwed up. If Lucic resigns maybe that trade was worth it, but damn it sucks to see him doing well for a Rival.

There once was a girl from Nantucket
with talent as deep as a bucket.
She tried to “sound black”
and wrote songs like a hack
so they gave her a Grammy when they should have said “Fuck it.”

The lists are faxed into the league office and revealed after the closing of the deadline, so they’re blind.

My mentally and physically disabled brother goes to camp each summer, it’s called Camp SMILE in Alabama, ages 5-50 and they get to experience all the things one does at camp. He’ll go in a month, and I’m so happy that he is able to go, it’s not easy to find places for those like my brother and on top of that take

I hope all my fellow Bruins make it through this situation safely. Finals weeks is next week and a lot of engineering projects are being finished. Maybe the pressure finally got to someone.

Barry, I thoroughly enjoy the daily 9 AM hockey article. Thanks

That’s probably regional. In my area, there are a fair number that are literally a bedroom in someone’s home.

I’m a Preds fan and I’ll probably pull for the Sharks. It’s a hard team to hate. It was a clean series - which is pretty surprising with all the ups and downs both teams faced.

Not always, but often, this is the death knell for a team. When they start questioning their clear cut #1 goalie because of 1 poor start. It seems to always lead to a general malaise for the team in question, as if they are questioning their identity. To not go with Elliot in game 7 is crazy. Jake Allen is guy who has

The collective angst of the Blues/Sharks fanbase in a Western Conference Finals match-up will create enough energy to replace fossil fuel usage in America.