
I’m going to buy one and all the little clothes along with it. So proud of her. San Pedro is a wonderful part of Los Angeles, and only going to get better.

I can’t believe I’m defending Leonardo DiCaprio, as I love mocking him as much as the next person, but there is a weird obsession in the media with his dating life. Who cares if he’s into young supermodels? He’s the one that has to endure conversations and listen to Mark Anthony with them, not us.

I used to have the same problem. I had my gallbladder out on March 23 of last year, and since then, I’ve only thrown up once (the other night, as a matter of fact, when I had a fever and sinus headache). Before that, I was throwing up two to three times per week. Laughing too hard, coughing too hard, etc. would make

In full truthiness, I only gained some of this weight since having the surgery. I’ve been having a lazy lazy winter all around. :-)

On paper, probably security.

I wish there was an offshoot, somewhere in the Gawker suite of blogs, that we could all talk about people being terrible to food-service workers. I think it would be a pretty good idea if we had a place like that, I tell you what.

I really miss a previous manager/team lead I had who would without fail call out anyone who put me in a “well you’re the lady so you do ____ ladywork” role in projects and meetings and things. I kind of dislike that having the male authority in the team be the one who did that made a difference, but baby steps, right?

Given his affluenza, he should have known to flee to a country that doesn’t extradite.

Similar story, similar outcome (except no sexy friend came through) to I created a burner account for this’s story.

Appppparently, all Starbucks have at least one caramel lady. My friend just started as a barista at a brand new location over the summer and her first week she encountered a lady that watched her pour caramel in, requested more more more and finally asked if she could have more in a cup on the side.

My date wore a chocolate brown tux with a yellow shirt. *snicker* (I’m not making fun. He looked like a Snicker)

Prom on my junior year seemed to be the last year guys had to get a tux shirt that matched their date’s dress. I wore a dove gray tux with a lavender “ruffle” tux shirt. Oh yeah, Boss. Senior year everyone was in black and white. It was on the Queen Mary, which was pretty cool.

Ah, but a “Best Of” collection would be entirely unnecessary. May I highly recommend that you read all the past BCO entries, whether by binge reading them in one sitting or sifting through them slowly as if you were sipping on a fine wine. Your life will become infinitely better as a result. Welcome to the BCO family,