

It’s the weird way they gender yoghurt that bothers me. Like yoghurt is a lady product, for ladies. Am I missing something? Is yoghurt really only eaten by women*? I’m sure I have seen at least one man eat a yoghurt. I just Googled ‘women + yoghurt’ to find out if it’s really something primarily bought by women and

His “Scandal.” Call me crazy, but I’d go with the word scandal when some super famous actor is consensualy banging the nanny behind his ridiculously beautiful wife’s back. When someone abuses a child, I’d be more inclined to go with “crime” or “alleged crime” if we want to talk around it.

I didn’t know Anne was uncircumcised!

Ah service jobs (food/retail/anything). Where pretty much everyone has at least one story that ends with “and then I went and cried in the bathroom.”

You know what, I’m going to copy&paste a really good post I saw on Tumblr. Not my words, but I wish they were because they are so right.

But then you would lower the need for government assistance, which would scale back the employment for programs like welfare, which would then give less topics for political pundits to fight over, which would kill ratings/page views, which would kill jobs. Won't someone think about the political columnists?!

Pretty much the only reason I’m not grey anymore (my comment quality is a little better now but when I first started commenting like really, it was all absolute shit) is because I have no life and got in super early on most articles. So the authors knew who I was and they knew that I wasn’t a troll.
I mentioned in

I totally threw a fit and stopped wedding planning because it was such a pain in the ass. In the end, we had a fairly typical long white dress/country club wedding because that was actually the most economical option. We did mix it up a bit and smashed a wedding cake-shaped pinata, instead of doing the whole cake

Similar here: met when we were 27, married each other in our 40’s. Some of us love each other but are just lazy and hate planning big life events? We had a sweet courthouse wedding. I cried through the whole thing.


If you’re willing to be Sans Spawn don’t be so quick to start a countdown. Mr.R and I got married 2 years ago when I was 49. First for me, second for him. We had been, well something more and less than “fb”s for about 5 years then fell in love. 5 years later we got married at my grandparent’s assisted living facility.

I want my funeral to have instant replays of my eventual murder at the hands of my thieving nurse #yolo

This offends me so much as a former post producer for TV. All it will do is make people think editing is simple business that anyone can do in 5 minutes.

For some reason as well I hate eating leftovers of food I cooked. It’s like I already cooked you and ate you, be out of my life

Once in college I was suntanning on the front lawn and some dude right in front of us was spending minutes trying to parallel park his car, going back and forth with no progress. I finally couldn’t take it anymore, jumped up (in my bikini with no shoes) and offered to just do it for him. He agreed. Bing bam boom.

The mascara also clumps at the end of my BTS brush. I like the mascara itself, but applying is a pain cause the brush is so big.

Gluing ostrich feathers to my arms and flapping as hard as I can is better than Spirit.

YOU GUUUUYZ!! After my hair falling out due to my accident, and being holed up recovering for MONTHS, I finally had a solo girly day! Got my hair done, eyebrows waxed, and went to Sephora. Plus I did it all driving myself and WALKING without crutches!!! Feels good to be doing the everyday things I was missing out on