That assumes though that self discipline is a finite resource, what if it isn’t? I like your point though, only because I sometimes fail and it snooze button once, or four times haha.
That assumes though that self discipline is a finite resource, what if it isn’t? I like your point though, only because I sometimes fail and it snooze button once, or four times haha.
Likewise, I love to get back to both whenever I’m in the area.
Stability, to keep it pointed in the right direction and not twisting from the suspension cable
There was never really any truth to energy independence stuff people have been touting. We’ve become to globalized to interconnected to ever say “this is ours and we will just use it” because there’s always someone cheaper on the outside who can get you the same product (in this case petroleum products).
Haha! Touche
Let’s hope its better than 2013.
So tried to do this about a year ago, it’s a bit more difficult than you might assume. Getting the cuts straight and just the right length is difficult, I tried using a dremel, didn’t work so well. Also, the top acrylic is a bit expensive, at least with the guys I used. Just my experience though, wish it would have…
Never heard of them, have to check it out some time.
Never used one myself, glad to hear you like it though! I wish I could justify the costs of a good compass these days; any more I just sit in my office. I got into this field because I liked being outside and loved the mysteries of I just look at a computer all day.
It was mostly a joking comment. I agree there’s plenty of other good brands out there. The Brunton is the classic though, the stuff of legends!
Gotta have a Brunton. As a geologist myself, I’m a bit taken back by a lack of a Brunton haha
Just got a call from my maintence guy and he said the whole circuit board inside was fried. I noticed it smelled funny and was maybe, ever so slightly hazy in the yesterday so I figured something like this happened. He said reasonably easy fix too and its back up and running.
Unless you get the E23 error like I got last night when I got home! No AC in the middle of summer for a 4th floor apartment, ouch. Completely and in no way my Nests fault, I just have to remember “don’t shoot the messenger”.
Same here in the hot humid south. Long runs in the morning before the sun rises so it’s at least a tolerable temperature out.
Not so much what I do to make them appealing but more of the thought, if I don’t bring my lunch and go out all the time, I’m the one who isn’t going to be appealing after too long.
Wish they had more cities on here, like any city in the south west of Atlanta...
When I graduated in 2010 they were just starting to become more accepted but nearly everyone still preferred the pencil and paper. Not sure if that’s changed more nowadays but there’s a few extra years of reference for you.