
We own 3 of these, 1 in the master and 1 in each of the our kid’s rooms. They are amazing 👍🏽🙏🏽

We own 3 of these, 1 in the master and 1 in each of the our kid’s rooms. They are amazing 👍🏽🙏🏽

They are about the size of an apple seed (5-7 mm or 3/16 - 1/4 inch long)

By 2019, booking a seat with such a hook will set you back an extra $8 on all airlines except for Southwest.

Oh man, this takes me back. I wish there was such a thing as “Cloud Saves” back then so I can do the same thing. I made some pretty fun rides in all of the RCT Games and it’s expansions (minus “World”).

Want to hear something weird. When I get a seat on the subway—which is a little rare since I ride it around rush hour times—I often almost fall asleep. The most relaxing place to be is on the gross subway without wifi where no one knows your name.

When we landed in Ireland, the guy driving the shuttle to the car rental place gave us the best piece of advice: Look Right, Go Left.

Not the remaster, but is it updated enough to play on modern monitors? I tried installing it many years ago, and it was harsh.

The Captain has the “by law” last word, sure. But, it is like a husband’s “My home is my castle” bleat. It is only his castle until the wife is home.

Obviously, I knew this. It’s a very basic thing that most car people know. But what was most interesting-and what clearly nobody bothered to read-was the answer to why they exist. That’s something I didn’t know (though I did have a suspicion there was an ECE reg out there driving it), so I spoke with two chief

Are you human?

Back when we were dating, my now-wife invited me to her family’s house for Easter. I don’t remember if this was our first or second holiday together, but it was definitely relatively early in the relationship. It was a big brunch, and her mom didn’t have enough space on the stove for all the bacon, so her brother


Not to pick directly on you, but I get irritated when people claim that LED’s don’t save money. There is a price premium for LED’s, but that is usually alleviated over time by the savings in electricity and the longer-lasting nature of the bulb. Simple math shows this.

...and never recline my seat.

It’s not always “lying around” - inheritances happen, parents doing estate planning realize they can effectively pass money for grandkid’s college, etc. The return you get inside of a 529 plan can be especially attractive due to its tax-favored status (especially in states with a state income tax and tax breaks for

As someone who had the person in front of me suddenly throw their seat back as I was hunched forward getting my carry on from under the seat... I always apreciate a little warning.

As a dude with long-ass legs... Good luck. Best case is you attempt to recline, get about a quarter inch of space and bounce off my knees. Worst case I cuss you out for bashing my knees trying to “claim” “your space”.

If I received a performance review with criticism and comments regarding my work which I had not encountered before, I would ask for another review, especially if I felt that my performance were good, and communications with management were solid. If the criticism were valid, I would follow up with a talk about the

I have one dream for my calendar app, and as far as I know, there is no app that does this. I want a calendar app for Mac that interacts with Google (like all of them do) and allows me to set the end of the day for some time past midnight. I go to a lot of events that end past midnight, and it always drives me crazy