Mercedes MB Tex will be what the cockroaches build houses out of after the nuclear Armageddon.
Mercedes MB Tex will be what the cockroaches build houses out of after the nuclear Armageddon.
You can do your what in your car?!...OOOHHH....Truckin’, you said truckin’....Got it.
First - As a rural person - get fucked.
Secondly - You thinking that range is the issue is the reason you are wrong and out of touch, like most insurance people. It’s payload and towing. 400mile range is swell, empty, but what if I have a trailer full of parts, live stock or equipment that needs moved? Is that range…
Isn’t that what’s become of Jalopnik?
Eh. It will likely still make me chuckle. Seamen had some funny moments.
You probably didn't watch the 2nd video, or read the transcript. The guy could have went another way. Bye 🤡
Protected bike lanes are really the only way to reduce cyclist injuries and fatalities. The average driver is barely looking out for another car, let alone a cyclist.
Taking every precaution to see your spouse, except the ultimate one of going without seeing your spouse for a year or longer, is a little selfish, but I’d wager the vast majority of us have been far more selfish than that at some point during this pandemic.
If the hypothetical gays in that hypothetical room were all under 40, then I guarantee you 100% of them would raise their hands.
The Venn diagram of “people who said ‘Buy American’ in the 1970s” and “people who said ‘Jap scrap’ in the 1970s” is so close to a perfect circle, you’d need a magnifying glass to see the margins.
Megatron! BMW M12/13/1, 1400hp 4 cylinder.
I don’t think you can ever completely separate politics from anything. But to answer your question, one piece at a time:
The only issue I have had with my e91 in the five years since the warranty expired is it finally needed a new battery last month. But you do you.
I live here. I pay those taxes. compared to my sister in the USA I have a better standard of living at half the cost. and none of my family members were denied coverage for an existing condition like her husbands family were...but by all means keep spewing horseshit.
From Jalopnik? Really?
People breaking isolation orders, caring for the vulnerable in the community, stopping violent and gun crime, street racers and stunting on public roads, etc. Lots more pressing concerns than a guy going a tad fast on a wide open empty road. Most speed limits are draconian and laid down I the 1960s anyways.
I mostly agree for street racers and extreme speeders, but speeding a little on wide open roads doesnt hurt anybody. Leave the minor speeding alone, there is a lot more pressing concerns right now.
I’ve been held up at gunpoint twice and the cops didn’t give a shit either time, so what the fuck is your point?
That and actual traffic radar no longer lives on X and K.