
My first thought too. My second thought was that maybe all of us poor people will be dead by 2050.

Yup. That's what he's missing, the class element. I don't know how he could have missed that or why he thinks everyone will be able to afford it.

First - the correlation between a woman's age and Down Syndrome is well-documented. The author could have mentioned it, I agree.

Because that concept sort of frames the developmentally disabled as Sweet Adorable Pets and thus dehumanizes them, or because the idea of not ending a pregnancy that you know in advance will produce a severely disabled child seems both irrational and cruel?

Some 80% of babies with Down Syndrome are born to women under 35, for one thing, and for another, greater awareness about intellectual and developmental disabilities has created a new culture, one that embraces the differently abled and doesn't reflexively see them as a problem to be eliminated or dodged.

You are oversimplifying things in a way that is distorting what happened here. Can I ask why you ignore the fact that she was a student in your "independent actor" analysis? 14 year olds are required by law to go to school. First, being in this environment in and of itself is not a choice of this girl and that is

I was 17 when a teacher started grooming me. In retrospect, as a much older adult, I was in no way able to deal with that shit when it was happening. And yeah, it does fuck up your ability to be in relationship later, as an adult. Thank the gods for really good therapists.

I'm a WASP raised by WASPs. Unclenching is the hardest part of my day.

If they had to ask this question it makes me wonder if/how they will successfully raise a child

Oh please, I hit 3 before I was 20.

Wait — the wife is 9 months pregnant and they only had a home visit with the midwives LAST WEEK? I feel like you should probably get those ducks in a row a little sooner, right?

Dear Emily Post,

I agree, which is why I think jailing her would be a terrible idea. I know commenters are animal-lovers, but this woman needs help, not jail.

Articles like this- well-researched, nuanced, adding historical context to today's topics, sharply analyzed, and well-written- are my favorite part of the Jez: The Next Generation

You can volunteer to work or you can volunteer to be unemployed. It's completely up to you!

That septum ring, though.

NOTE NOTE NOTE: "men are simplistic" is a harmful opinion of men and is PART OF THE PROBLEM WITH THE PATRIARCHY. when men feel defeated, weak and masculine when they have complex feelings, it is because of the patriarchy. when men ARE simplistic, ignorant and can't control themselves, it is because they are

How many more stories until this is done with Jezebel?

Do you really need it explained to you every time you encounter a person with an unusual name or nickname? You seem to have figured out on your own that Pumpkin is a person, after all.

Now playing

That's actually not even the superior mashup! This is the one to watch (didn't speed up the song quite so much, better/more entertaining syncing):