
Kinda sad you thought it was too much work. Opening a rothIRA, or any kind of investment portfolio is a good way to start saving money. I use Fidelity to buy stock. It’s free to open an account, and easy to transfer my money over to it from your bank account. Once you have money transferred over to your investment

It’s totally normal to feel like this. Allow yourself to go through all the feelings of missing your old life. Also your body is still healing and your shifting hormones will definitely mess with your emotions. You aren’t on your usual schedule so everything feels off. Of course you miss the good old times.

I failed the 1 hour test, and passed the 3 hour test. I also felt very afraid of failing the 3 hour test because I’m heavy and my family has a history of diabetes. It will be ok, I’m sure you will be ok. It’s easy to freak out and feel down on yourself while pregnant because there is so much pressure to do it

The best piece of advice I got that I don’t think has been said yet:



it looks like her makeup was applied with a spatula.

My brother had acid reflux and diarrhea all the time as a kid. Poor kid missed so much school. My mother took him to a pediatrician, asthma/allergist, nutritionist, and a gastro specialist. Had allergy tests, got his stomach scoped, did a whole elimination diet.... It really really sucked because no one had a great

seriously this is why i love to 69. i’m sorry everyone else here has had a bad time doing the ol’ 69 but whatever. best orgasms ever for me.

Kittens!!I adopted two kittens last month and they are the best.

Yeah but look at my cats they are hugging

wig for sure

That article would be better suited at the Onion. On that note, I already know people like this who wasted their money in their twenties. Now they have a stupid amount of credit card debt and no retirement funds in their thirties.

it is an affront to my eyes to see the serif and sans-serif fonts all over this place. it completely ruins the entire look, and i am now embarrassed for gawker media because this is some half-ass amateur looking website.

welp, im super fucking glad to not be in college anymore.

i always assumed that painkillers were part of the perks of being addicted to plastic surgery. like, of course you feel good after getting surgery, you get some nice drugs!*

i feel like not enough of this article is explaining how the fuck nail polish can lift your nails off. it looks like someone hit all their fingertips with a small hammer.

I got married and kept my last name. My husband changed his last name to mine because he liked it better. It was such an easy choice and i dont know why some people have to be jerks about it.

SO COURAGEOUS omg like you guise you don't even know #feelingblessed

Thank you :)