
I like to hide in a bathroom stall or step outside when i need a break from people. I pretend i have to make a phone call but then i just play games on my phones for like 5 minutes.

I keep a small basket by my front door as a spot for mail. Then on sundays i sort through it and file everything away in a little file cabinet i have where i keep important documents.

feeling acidic? just drink some bleach, that will balance you right out. flushes out those toxins too.

PMS Red.

you know, those Bigbelly trash cans are actually really great. since they can compact garbage, they are able to hold a lot more waste and don’t need to be emptied as often. and they use solar power, and offer recycling! and now they will provide internet. pretty cool how smart our garbage cans are getting.

you know, as opposed to those parents who tell their children they wish they were never born. don’t they feel wanted and loved? oh, wait....

Yeesh, you are a saint for putting up with that. It’s just a pan! and you’re the one with actual feelings...I’m guessing the collections of stuff are probably more emotionally complicated than a good spring cleaning could solve. I hope you have some personal space for yourself.

Just throw away that pan. How mad would he really get over a pan? I always get rid of broken stuff or unused clutter in my house, i have no fucks to give for anyone who will prevent me from living in a clean home. Do you ever think of just boxing up his hobby crafts just to get them out of the way?

this is a very ‘grandmas lamp’ look and i actually love it.

kim, just stop letting kanye dress you. he had his chance, but he just fucking sucks. how are you not seeing this.

yeah, i mean...wouldn’t it be harder to sing if you’re wearing something so restricting?

I’m so so sorry. You’re right on the edge of the worst part of breaking up. But once you start that first gets a little easier. You said the words, you have a little inertia from all the adrenaline, and you have taken the next step in your relationship. I hope you make it through ok.

i call my stretch marks ‘tiger stripes’.

Yes to adopting an older cat! I refer to older cats as retired. If you want a chill cat, just adopt a retired old lady cat who naps all day. All they want is peace and quiet, and a nice sunny blanket to sleep on (preferably a window seat).

does she have small boobs? i can’t tell if it’s just bra magic or not.

i don’t think they shopped her into looking thinner, but i do think that her skin was airbrushed a bit to look more smooth and even.

mini-bottles? they’re called nips! but most definitely not trash, not until you see them discarded on the sidewalk outside the package store.

lol she’s got nips on her nips.

wow it’s almost like Ms. Jenkins realizes that she’s testifying in court so she’s prob going to look and act serious and professional.